PALEMBANG (15 February 2023) - The "Budi Perkasa" center in Palembang is a place where persons with physical disabilities from underprivileged families put their hopes. It is the technical implementation unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) which serves the manufacturing of assistive devices for people with physical disabilities (prosthetics and orthotics) throughout Sumatra.

In line with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, all UPTs of the Ministry of Social Affairs carry out multi-service tasks, namely providing services for all types of social problems. Amid multi-service tasks, the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang specializes in making prosthetic limbs.

The head of the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang Wahyu Dewanto stated that one of the tasks of the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang is to produce devices for persons with physical disabilities. This center is the only agency in Sumatra that provides this service.

"We offer huge opportunities for poor people to get this assistance. Currently, we are continuing to develop our service capacity," said Wahyu.

Last year, the center received requests from 50 Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS). However, the center can accommodate as many as 35 people. "For the rest, we ask for help from other parties," he said.

The center faces challenges in producing prosthetics and orthotics due to limited personnel with expertise. Currently, the center only has one person skilled in making artificial limbs. "We only have one person. The rest are retired," said Wahyu.

To increase capacity, the center cooperates with several parties. Most recently, Sentra signed a collaboration with the Health Polytechnic I of the Ministry of Health in Jakarta, on Monday (13/2). The cooperation note was signed by the Director of the Jakarta Health Polytechnic, Ita Astit Karmawati, and the Head of the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang, Wahyu Dewanto.

The focus of the collaboration is on facilitating practice for Health Polytechnic I students at the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang. "With this cooperation, will increase the need for personnel to provide assistive devices. In this way, more people can be assisted," said Wahyu.

In addition, the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang also established a synergy with the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Integrated Center in Surakarta -- another Ministry of Social Technical Implementation unit (UPT) which is known to have a long track record in prosthetics and orthotics services.

The "Budi Perkasa" center in Palembang provides various services, such as training in automotive, computers, handicrafts, sewing, plantations, fisheries, and so on. This service is to help PPKS improve their vocational skills and economic independence.

Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang also responded to cases against PPKS. Most recently, it assisted children with hearing disabilities who experienced sexual violence in Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan.

Together with the "Galih Pakuan" Center in Cibinong, and the Directorate of Child Rehabilitation, the "Budi Perkasa" Center in Palembang conducted comprehensive assessments, and psychological tests, and provided ATENSI assistance. Now, victims receive assistance, health services, psychological assistance, installation of hearing aids, and other services.

Public Relations Bureau 

Ministry of Social Affairs