MEDAN (12 November 2019) - Located at a GRATIS Coffee Shop (Anti-Stigma and Discrimination Movement) belonging to the Social Rehabilitation Center for People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Happy" Medan, a Case Conferences (CC) activity was carried out as a result of the assessment of beneficiaries (PM) who get a two-week Time Bound Shelter (TBS) social rehabilitation service.
Assessment is an activity to find and identify problems, needs and source systems of beneficiaries and their social environment. The assessment assists Social Workers in carrying out data collection activities up to provisional conclusions. The concept of assessment in social work is an effort to gain knowledge and decision making (graining knowledge and making judgment), so that appropriate therapies are found that will be given to beneficiaries in the social rehabilitation process in the center.
The implementation of the Case Conference (CC) was attended by the Head of the Assessment Section, the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Services Section, Social Workers, Psychologists, Social Counselors, Nurses and social service administrators. The activity was guided by Sinarta, as the Head of the Social Advocacy Section who supervised this activity.
In this activity, the Social Worker as well as the Case Manager presents the results of the assessment that has been carried out to the beneficiaries they assisted. In his presentation, each CC participant provided input and comments on what had been conveyed by each Case Manager.
The results of the assessment
formulated in this CC activity resulted in therapy according to the problems
and needs of TBS beneficiaries for two weeks through mental spiritual
strengthening as well as motivation, education and information.