SIGI (April 26, 2021) - To increase the promotion of intellectual disability works through the Atensi Creation Center (SKA), the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Nipotowe" Center for Disabilities which is located at Kalukubula Sigi Regency, carried out an assessment of cooperation with the Chairperson of the District National Craft Council (DEKRANASDA) Sigi, Hj. Hazizah M. Irwan Lapata, who is also the wife of the Regent of Sigi and serves as a member of the Sigi Regency DPRD for the 2019 – 2024 period.

In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, an exploration of collaboration was carried out in order to have a positive impact on the creation of intellectual disabilities and encourage the birth of an empowered disability community in Sigi Regency.

“Intellectual disabilities who have below average intelligence are generally difficult to get a job. Support from the family and the surrounding environment is needed so that they can be empowered and free from poverty," explained Syaiful Samad, the Head of the "Nipotowe" Center for Disabilities.

Hj. Hazizah M. Irwan Lapata, Chairperson of DEKRANASDA Sigi Regency, who was met in person at her residence in Petobo, expressed her appreciation for the work of intellectual disabilities, who are beneficiaries at the "Nipotowe" Center for Disabilities. Even one of the eco-print headscarves made for intellectual disabilities was immediately worn right away.

"I, as Chair of the Regional National Crafts Council of Sigi Regency, am ready to help promote that in Sigi Regency, we have eco-printed batik and recycled paper made by children with disabilities who take part in social rehabilitation activities in Sigi, especially since this is the first time this craft has been made in Sigi," said Hj. Hazizah M. Irwan Lapata.

She also interacted directly with two people with intellectual disabilities from Sigi, named Fitriani and Alfian, who were also present at the meeting.

"How to make recycled paper?" asked Hj. Hazizah to Alfian, intellectual disability.

Alfian, the beneficiary in question, was silent for a moment and felt nervous to answer.

"First of all, how do you do it?" asked Hj. Hazizah again, gently.

“First of all, the paper is blended,” said Alfian slowly. "After that, the paper will be printed and dried in the sun," explained Alfian.

This direct interaction with intellectual disabilities made Hj. Hazizah M. Irwan Lapata was amazed. "It turns out they can do that if they are trained," she said.

She also shared souvenirs and provisions for breaking the fast with Fitriani and Alfian.