JAKARTA (April 2, 2021) - In the United States, April is designated as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is dedicated to campaigns to stop sexual violence and provide awareness to victims that there is always help they can access. So far, many victims of sexual violence are reluctant to ask for help or report it because of the negative stigma that is always close to the victim.
Jasmin (not her real name) is one of the survivors who reported being sexually assaulted. Since childhood, she experienced sexual violence perpetrated by his biological father. This is also what made her reluctant to report because she was threatened with abandonment.
It took the 12-year-old boy six years to tell his closest friend about the traumatic incident. This story later led to a police report which resulted in his father being arrested.
Jasmin was referred by the Integrated Service Center for Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) and the Sukabumi Social Worker Service Unit to the "Handayani" Children's Center on October 8, 2020. The social worker who handled Jasmin at the Center, Sri Musfiah said she looked worried and afraid the first time she come.
"He looks worried and scared and also doesn't dare to look at the person he's talking to. However, we continue to try to build trust and relationships so that the children feel comfortable," said Sri.
At the "Handayani" Children's Center, Jasmin received a comprehensive social rehabilitation program, such as meeting proper needs, health care, psychological examination and counseling, psychosocial therapy, mental spiritual therapy, and access to education.
Jasmin (not her real name) is one of the survivors who reported being sexually assaulted. Since childhood, she experienced sexual violence perpetrated by his biological father. This is also what made her reluctant to report because she was threatened with abandonment.
It took the 12-year-old boy six years to tell his closest friend about the traumatic incident. This story later led to a police report which resulted in his father being arrested.
Jasmin was referred by the Integrated Service Center for Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) and the Sukabumi Social Worker Service Unit to the "Handayani" Children's Center on October 8, 2020. The social worker who handled Jasmin at the Center, Sri Musfiah said she looked worried and afraid the first time she come.
"He looks worried and scared and also doesn't dare to look at the person he's talking to. However, we continue to try to build trust and relationships so that the children feel comfortable," said Sri.
At the "Handayani" Children's Center, Jasmin received a comprehensive social rehabilitation program, such as meeting proper needs, health care, psychological examination and counseling, psychosocial therapy, mental spiritual therapy, and access to education.
"We are trying to keep Jasmin going to school. While at the center she is registered as a Grade 5 student at SLB E Handayani," said Sri.
Jasmin has a strong motivation to study. He aspires to become a doctor so she can help many people.
"She wants to be a doctor. That's why she is always enthusiastic about going to school. Apart from that, she is also interested in painting," added Sri.
During approximately 6 months of undergoing social rehabilitation, Jasmin has shown good and stable psychological development, social relations, and behavior according to her development. Jasmin also shows a good level of self-confidence, as seen by how she can look at the other person and smile when she speaks. She also began to show assertive behavior by being able to express her opinion.
"Her condition is currently stable, indeed there were difficult times when she was asked to be a witness at his father's trial last January. However, she remained strong and was able to undergo the trial well. Therefore, we will carry out reintegration," explained Sri.
"Handayani" Children's Center held a case conference related to Jasmin's reintegration on March 23, 2021. This case conference was attended by the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, Chairperson of P2TP2A Sukabumi Regency, Sukabumi Regency Social Service, Cianjur Regency Social Service, Sukabumi and Cianjur Social Workers. From the CC, it was agreed that Jasmin would be reintegrated into a Child Welfare Institution (LKSA) in Cianjur.
This decision was taken because the location of LKSA is close to her family who is currently in Cianjur. The child is not immediately reintegrated into the family because attachment has not been established as a result of being separated for 7 years. However, the placement in LKSA is only temporary until later the child can be reintegrated into the family.
The Head of the Handayani Children's Center, Hasrifah Musa, said that her party was very concerned about victims and survivors of sexual violence.
"The case of child victims of sexual violence is one of the cases that we handle quite a lot. The problems are almost the same, namely, the perpetrators are the closest people," said Hasrifah.
According to her, the perpetrators took advantage of power relations to commit heinous acts against victims. The power relation in sexual violence is an element of the perpetrator's power over the helplessness of the victim.
"People who have power, in this case, the perpetrators, can take action against groups that are below them. For example, fathers to children, or adults to children. This level of power is the basis for sexual crimes," she explained.
Furthermore, Hasrifah deplores the culture of victim blaming and the negative stigma that is still attached to Indonesia. This resulted in many victims not wanting to report and asking for help because they were afraid they would be blamed and become a family disgrace.
Jasmin has a strong motivation to study. He aspires to become a doctor so she can help many people.
"She wants to be a doctor. That's why she is always enthusiastic about going to school. Apart from that, she is also interested in painting," added Sri.
During approximately 6 months of undergoing social rehabilitation, Jasmin has shown good and stable psychological development, social relations, and behavior according to her development. Jasmin also shows a good level of self-confidence, as seen by how she can look at the other person and smile when she speaks. She also began to show assertive behavior by being able to express her opinion.
"Her condition is currently stable, indeed there were difficult times when she was asked to be a witness at his father's trial last January. However, she remained strong and was able to undergo the trial well. Therefore, we will carry out reintegration," explained Sri.
"Handayani" Children's Center held a case conference related to Jasmin's reintegration on March 23, 2021. This case conference was attended by the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, Chairperson of P2TP2A Sukabumi Regency, Sukabumi Regency Social Service, Cianjur Regency Social Service, Sukabumi and Cianjur Social Workers. From the CC, it was agreed that Jasmin would be reintegrated into a Child Welfare Institution (LKSA) in Cianjur.
This decision was taken because the location of LKSA is close to her family who is currently in Cianjur. The child is not immediately reintegrated into the family because attachment has not been established as a result of being separated for 7 years. However, the placement in LKSA is only temporary until later the child can be reintegrated into the family.
The Head of the Handayani Children's Center, Hasrifah Musa, said that her party was very concerned about victims and survivors of sexual violence.
"The case of child victims of sexual violence is one of the cases that we handle quite a lot. The problems are almost the same, namely, the perpetrators are the closest people," said Hasrifah.
According to her, the perpetrators took advantage of power relations to commit heinous acts against victims. The power relation in sexual violence is an element of the perpetrator's power over the helplessness of the victim.
"People who have power, in this case, the perpetrators, can take action against groups that are below them. For example, fathers to children, or adults to children. This level of power is the basis for sexual crimes," she explained.
Furthermore, Hasrifah deplores the culture of victim blaming and the negative stigma that is still attached to Indonesia. This resulted in many victims not wanting to report and asking for help because they were afraid they would be blamed and become a family disgrace.
"The negative stigma is still very obvious, and this is what victims fear. I got this from reports from friends who do online counseling for children who experience depression. Almost all of it is caused by sexual violence. They are scared to report it. Some have already reported it. but disappointed because they feel blamed," she said.
Finally, Hasrifah revealed that victims must be given support and kept away from the negative stigma. Public awareness regarding this issue must be increased. "Handayani" Children's Center continues to work on this, one of which is by opening online counseling and preventive measures through Social Workers Goes to School (PGTS) activities.
Finally, Hasrifah revealed that victims must be given support and kept away from the negative stigma. Public awareness regarding this issue must be increased. "Handayani" Children's Center continues to work on this, one of which is by opening online counseling and preventive measures through Social Workers Goes to School (PGTS) activities.