PEKANBARU (24 February 2021) – The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Rumbai Children Center in Pekanbaru, received a referral for a RZ (11) child from Pangkalan Kuras, Pelalawan Regency, Riau, who went viral some time ago. RZ is suspected of being abandoned by his parents in a condition full of wounds and bruises all over his body.


News circulated that the victim's mother left a letter saying she apologized for being forced to leave her child because she could not see her child suffer.


This case became a concern and was then handled by many parties. RZ had received care from the Head of the Pelalawan District Police during the investigation process, but because RZ showed dysfunctional behavior, he needed to receive rehabilitation before being handed back to the nuclear family, in this case, the biological mother.


For this concern, the National Commission for Children Center, Aris Merdeka Sirait, gave his appreciation to the Head of Pelalawan Police for taking care of protecting children victims of physical violence.


The Police, Social Office and UPTD PPA of Pelalawan Regency and their staff have carried out psychological examinations, post mortem, temporary security, and assistance to children from the time they were discovered until during the investigation process. Next, refer RZ to Balai Anak Rumbai in Pekanbaru for social rehabilitation services.


The Head of the Center, Ahmad Subarkah, said that the Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service program focuses on 3 bases of service, namely family, community, and residential based (services at the center). Residential-based services are the last alternative in dealing with child problems.


He encourages family-based Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services through strengthening families and parents considering RZ still has biological parents. "The family is the best place for children's growth and development, so family-based services are very important to solve children's problems," Ahmad Subarkah added.


Currently, we will try to provide residential services at the center for RZ behavior change with social workers and psychological counselors. "The hope is that RZ can live with his biological mother. The police and the community have given good advice by securing RZ temporarily to avoid acts of violence. Hopefully, RZ will be a better child and can make his parents proud of him," Yustisia, a Social Worker added.