CIREBON (5 July 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Bogor Ciungwanara Center and Prof Dr. Soeharso Surakarta Social Rehabilitation Center followed up on the results of a comprehensive assessment of patients with Hydrocephalus a.n. AAD was carried out on June 18, 2021, in the city of Cirebon. The team from “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” Center, who was commanded by the Head of the Center accompanied by a Physiotherapist and Ciungwanara Center, represented by Social Workers, immediately visited the AAD House in Kesambi District, Cirebon City.


The Head of the Ciungwanara Center, represented by Social Worker Nila Restu, explained that the Ministry of Social Affairs would provide interventions through the collaboration of 2 Centers, namely meeting nutritional needs for AAD through ATENSI assistance and educating parents on how to treat ADD and providing wheelchair assistance as needed.


"It is important to educate families about exercises that must be done at home to maintain the current state of AAD," said the Physiotherapist “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” Wahyu Ambarwati.


Furthermore, the Head of the Center “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” explained that the wheelchair provided was following the results of the assessment conducted by Ciungwanara Center so that the function and size were correct. "This wheelchair can later be used as a means to sunbathe in the correct position and hopefully can provide benefits," said the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center “Prof. Dr. Soeharso” Heri Kris Sritanto.


Furthermore, officers from Ciungwanara Center handed over ATENSI assistance to fulfill nutritional needs consisting of diapers, milk, and biscuits. At the end of the visit, the officer ordered the assistant for Persons with Disabilities in Cirebon to re-assure that the process of managing independent BPJS changes to PBI JKN continues so that AAD can still carry out medical examinations and therapy.


“We would like to thank the Ministry of Social Affairs for helping our child. This assistance is beyond our expectations,” said ADD's father Angga Rosadi shortly before the officers said goodbye.