SUMEDANG (January 11, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Ciungwanara" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) deployed four social worker personnel on Monday morning (11/1/2021) in response to cases of victims affected by landslides in Cihanjuang Village, Cimanggung District, Sumedang Regency. The Case Response Team first coordinated with the Social, Women's Empowerment and Child ProtectionOffice in Sumedang Regency to map out disaster locations and technical assistance distribution.
Head of Social Security Affairs Office in Sumedang Regency, Komar, revealed data related to the development of the search for landslide victims.
"On January 11 at 17.00 WIB, 13 people died, 33 people were injured, while 29 people are still being searched," said Komar.
Next, the team headed to the disaster site and handed over assistance for Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) to fulfill basic needs at the Cipareang Elementary School evacuation post.
Oerianto Edy Widjanarko, a social worker at "Ciungwanara" BRSPDI who was present on behalf of the Head of the Center, directly handed over the attention assistance in the form of basic necessities to the Coordinator of the Public Kitchen, Dadang. Oeri said that this was a form of our quick response to the landslide that had just occurred.
"Sumedang Regency is one of the coverage areas of "Ciungwanara" Center in providing ATENSI Service, so that when social welfare problems occur, we can contribute and respond quickly to these problems, including natural disasters," said Oeri.
Dadang also expressed his gratitude for the assistance for the evacuees affected by the landslide.
"We feel thankful for the assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs for the residents here who are being hit by a disaster," he said.
In addition to providing attention assistance, the team also carried out psychosocial therapy and trauma healing for landslide victims who survived and had been buried for four hours. He is a father with the initials U, 80 years old, a native of Sumedang. Mr. U told about the conditions when he was hit by a landslide. "I was hit by two people above me, one resident here and one Basarnas officer. But thank God, only my leg was injured, I still survived.
Furthermore, the case response team continues to coordinate with disaster management to carry out trauma healing and psychosocial therapy for families affected by landslides.
Humas Balai Anak Ciungwanara
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N