JAMBI (February 14th 2020) - In line with the vision of "Advanced Indonesian Superior Human Resources" and Alyatama's transformation from a Child Care Social Home (PSAA) to a Social Rehabilitation Center for Children Needing Special Protection (BRSAMPK), all Civil Servants (ASN) are committed to increase its capacity.


A total of 3 Social Workers who became important pillars in service, namely Maizon Hendri, Aulia Mirza and Elyadi attended the Narcotics Addiction Social Worker Training organized by the Regional I Sumatra Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) from 10th -19th February 2020. Various The material obtained by Social Workers is material about Addiction and its problems, the Ministry of Social Affairs policies and supporting laws, social rehabilitation program policies for Drug Abuse Victims, Social Worker basic competences in the Context of Narcotics Addiction, Against Stigma, Understanding Psychoactive Substances, User Social Networks Drugs, and so on.


Not only the Addiction Social Worker Training, Alyatama also sent Nasrun, a Mental Spiritual Guide, to take part in the Basic Social Worker Training from 10th – 23rd February 2020. Mentored by a very extraordinary Trainer, hopefully that after completing education, all ASN who take part in the training can apply the knowledge appropriately and wisely in accordance with its designation with full of responsibility and professionalism.