BIMA (April 8, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Mahatmiya" Disability Center Bali and the Surakarta "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center responded to cases related to flash floods in the Bima Regency area, Nusa Tenggara Barat (5/4). Data collected from the Regional Board for Disaster Management (BPBD) of NTB Province explained that the flood affected thousands of families i.e 1,672 families/5,617 people in Madapangga District, 3,140 families/7,564 people in Bolo District, 3,173 families/9,725 people in Woha District, 991 families/2,973 people in Monta District, and 493 families/2,073 people in Pabelilo District.
The Mahatmiya Disability Center Case Response Team in Bali was led by the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Service, Herlin Wahyuni Hidayat who immediately coordinated with stakeholders, namely the Head of the Bima Regency Social Office, Andi Sirojudin, and Assistants for Persons with Disabilities. Based on the initial information obtained, a number of persons with disabilities were affected by the flash floods.
Andi said that many people with disabilities were affected by the flood this time. "Please help them according to their urgent needs. They really need basic food at this time," he said.
After receiving the information, the team immediately went to the field and visited a family of four people with severe physical disabilities. The father of a disabled person, Idris Abdullah, said that his children had suffered from this disease since they were 7-9 years old.
"My oldest son, Badaruddin, has had a high fever for a week since he was 9 years old. After that, his legs started to get weak, but he was still able to walk, slowly starting to stiffen up to what he is now," said the man in the brown shirt.
When the team conducted the assessment, it appeared that Badaruddin (50 years) could only lie in bed. Unable to sit, joints experience stiffness, and hands and feet look smaller than their age. It looks clean and well-groomed, with no strong odors. Communication was difficult but still understandable.
His younger brother, Syahruddin (47 years) suffers from the same thing. When he was 7 years old he had a high fever and seizures. Syahruddin was not taken to a health facility because the access was far away and there was no fee. Therefore, their parents took him to traditional medicine. He has difficulty communicating like his older brother.
The same problem also affects his third child, Jasman (45 years), and daughter, Sriyati (38 years). Jasman when he was 8 years old had the same case as Syahrudin. But different from the last child. Idris informed that Sriyati when she was 3 years old, saw an astral creature, tall, big, black, frightened, and fainted. He was afraid for days. Idris believes his son's illness is due to mystical knowledge.
The team immediately coordinated with "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center Surakarta through photos and videos for further treatment of the family's illness.
The Surakarta "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" case response team immediately conducted a follow-up assessment. The results show that the four persons with disabilities experience stiffness in movements of the body, arms, and legs due to disturbances in movement patterns in the muscles and body posture.
This is caused by damage to the central nervous system or brain (atheroid spastic quadriplegia) accompanied by contractures/shortening of the muscles in both ankles and both wrists caused by high fever and seizures at the age of 6 - 8 years.
Their ability to carry out daily activities all depends on other people, from eating, drinking, self-care, and even just tilting their bodies. These four siblings have to be assisted by others.
They already have adaptive wheelchairs with the assistance of the NTB Provincial Government. From 2008 - 2018 these four siblings received assistance (from Social Assistance for Persons with Severe Disabilities (ASPDB). However, at the end of 2018, there was a transfer of ASPDB to the Family Hope Program (PKH). Due to PKH provisions, a maximum of 2 people with severe disabilities can get assistance from PKH namely Baharudin and Sriyati.
Meanwhile, Jasman continues to receive Social Assistance for Persons with Disabilities (ASPD) starting in 2020 and Syahrudin's verse in 2018 no longer receives assistance other than groceries every year from the Regional Government. The Surakarta Center for Disabilities Case Response Team "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" is investigating the reasons for the termination of assistance to Syahrudin.
The Surakarta Center for Disabilities Case Response Team "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" concluded that persons with disabilities fall into the category of persons with severe disabilities (bedridden) because all activities are in bed and completely dependent on other people.
Based on the results of the follow-up assessment, the intervention needed is to provide understanding and understanding to the family about the condition of the 4 family members. Then education in the form of motion exercises needed so that the condition does not get worse is also given to the family.
The Center for Disabilities "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" in Surakarta has also ordered beds in the form of adaptive wooden cots and mattresses whose size and function suit their condition. The beds have been made and will soon be handed over to 4 persons with disabilities.
Representing the Head of the Mahatmiya Disability Center Bali, Middle Social Worker Ni Putu Esti provided assistance i.e a box of fast food and four packages of basic food assistance consisting of rice, instant noodles, soy sauce, sauce, biscuits, sardines, cooking oil, liquid bath soap, and laundry soap.
Esti gave encouragement so that the family could endure this ordeal. "Hopefully the assistance we provide can help Mr. Idris' family," hoped Esti.