29, 2022) - The Ministry of
Social Affairs celebrates the 26th National Elderly Day (HLUN) 2022 in
Tasikmalaya Regency. During the celebration, various series of events were held
involving 39 Integrated Centers and Centers under MoSA in 39 sub-districts
throughout Tasikmalaya Regency.
Bahagia Center Medan
also enlivened the 26th HLUN in Sukarame District. It is located not far from
the center of the Tasikmalaya Regency Government with a population of 40,604
people spread over six rural areas.
In this celebration,
Sentra Bahagia Medan provided Atensi to six villages in Sukarame District.
Atensi was given
to 326 elderly in Sukarame District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The assistance
includes 326 packages of basic needs (basic food, nutrition, medicine, and clothing),
14 units of wheelchairs, 3 units of a tripod, 3 units of hearing aids, 30
packages of entrepreneurship development capital, 1 package of RTLH contents,
and medicines. during the examination of the elderly with a total of IDR
"Thank God,"
said Mrs. Dadah, a resident of Sukamenak Village who is a recipient of the RTLH
assistance from Bahagia Center Medan.