PEKANBARU (February 28th 2020) - Head of the "Rumbai" Children Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSAMPK) in Pekanbaru, Ahmad Subarkah welcomed the delegation of the Commission VIII DPR RI on a working visit. The group arrived with a team from the Governor and the Riau Province Social Services Agency.

Achmad as a member of Commission VIII DPR RI said that Commission VIII visited to find out about children's social rehabilitation activities. "From this visit we will get useful input for the preparation of the Draft Law on Family Resilience, so that in the future children should not be ignored and underestimated, but children must get protection from society and their families," said Achmad.

In addition, this institution that focuses on child protection must be fully supported so that violence, bullying, and children being used for interests that can harm the future do not occur again.

"Our center has an advanced social rehabilitation function for children who need special protection (AMPK). There are 15 clusters of children that we serve, including Children with Laws (ABH)," said Ahmad Subarkah, Head of BRSAMPK "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru.

Ahmad Subarkah added that BRSAMPK "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru received ABH referrals from the police, prosecutors and courts. "We also serve for the appointment of prospective foster parents for neglected babies or toddlers," he added.

The group reviewed the make-up skills livelihood therapy activity for female service recipients. Ahmad Subarkah said that this livelihood therapy is intended so that children get provisions to be independent in the future after completing social rehabilitation in the hall. Subarkah also conveyed that children who receive services are accompanied by social workers, carers and nurses for 24 hours.

In addition to reviewing the condition of service recipients and social rehabilitation activities at the center, the entourage and BRSAMPK "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru provided nutritional stimulant social assistance for 10 children who needed special protection who were recipients of outside agency services.