JAKARTA (January 31st, 2020) - Member of Commission VIII of the DPR RI (House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia) M Ali Taher gave his full support for the publication of Permensos (Ministry of Social Affairs Regulations) No18 year 2018.This Permensos authorizes the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs to further optimize services for persons with disabilities for their better future.

M Ali Taher argues that people with disabilities should be grateful for Permensos No 18 year 2018.

"This rule is an incarnation of the country's concern at all levels in blowing the energy of justice for all people. Including to people with disabilities in terms of providing services to the commitment to bear empowered disabilities," he said.

Permensos No 18 Year 2018 synergizes the role of central and local governments in serving people with disabilities. The division of authority aims to realize effectiveness so that there is no overlap, so that people with disabilities can receive benefits for services provided continuously.

In the interview M.Ali underlined the four most important things: between central and local governments about various assets owned by the Ministry as well as revitalizing assets, rather than instead being taken over by areas that in time become unmanaged.

"In addition, Permensos No 18 in 2018 gives meaning to the importance of standard services below that between local governments should have gone better so that when the Ministry of Social Services provides that service is coordinated," he added.

Permensos No. 18 of 2018 is also in line with Law No. 23 of 2014 on Local Government, Law No. 8 of 2016 on People with Disabilities, and Law No. 12 of 2019 on Social Workers.In addition to distributing in detail the authority of central and local governments, these three laws also divide the intervention system in social rehabilitation, in this case people with disabilities.

First, the Pemda (Local Government) as a territorial authority, has the authority and must have the political will to protect and implement the development of social welfare. Especially for disadvantaged groups or Social Welfare Service Trustees, such as displaced children, the elderly, the homeless, beggars and of course people with disabilities.

Pemda also has the authority to carry out basic social welfare services or social rehabilitation, namely with the nursing home system at the provincial level based on the community at the District/City level. Meanwhile, the central government has the authority to carry out further social rehabilitation services with a hall system and based on a network of stakeholders.

In the hall system, social services still display services such as services in the orphanage, such as residential or dormitory services, logistics services, vocational training and so on. What sets this apart is the improved quality of service, especially in the inpatient and outpatient systems.

The hall facilities are equipped with sports facilities, skills training room, laboratorium room, counselling room and others. Certainly in terms of rehabilitation services are also more optimized, especially in psychosocial rehabilitation aimed at the beneficiaries and their families where they are prepared to be able to receive the beneficiaries back when returning to the family and the environment in which they live.

Second, Permensos encouraged the Pemda (Local Government) to implement Law No. 23 of 2014 and its derivatives. PP (Government Regulation) No. 2 of 2018 on SPM (Minimum Service Standards). Permensos is what paves the way for local governments to further enhance the role of local government-owned orphanages.

Permensos provides a basic service model or SPM (Minimum Service Standards). Thus Permensos sets the role of the Pemda to commit to social welfare development programs, namely by realization of Pemda programs that side with people with disabilities with the best quality.

Noteworthy, there are some Pemda that change the function of social housing into offices, sports buildings, and so on.With this Permensos, it has become the obligation of the local government to restore its function to the original social home. Otherwise, the local government must build a new social housing in accordance with the mandate of the Local Government Law and PP (Government Regulation) about SPM. Permensos provides a basic service model or SPM.Thus Permensos locks in the role of the Local Government to commit to social welfare development programs, namely by realization of Pemda programs that side with people with disabilities with the best quality.

Third, from this Permensos No 18 Year 2018 created an innovation of holistic, systemic, and standardized social rehabilitation program called The Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRES) 5.0 New Platform, a social rehabilitation program that targets five clusters of social welfare service beneficiaries.

The five clusters include children, disabilities, Napza victims, persons with social deviance issues and the elderly.This system of further social rehabilitation is the implementation of the Disability Law.especially its derivatives namely PP (Government Regulation) No. 52 of 2019 on The Implementation of Social Welfare for People with Disabilities.With the birth of Law No. 14 of 2019 on Social Workers, permensos's advanced Social Rehabilitation System is stronger the regulatory foundation.

Fourth, Permensos No 18 Year 2018 only converts the orphanage into a hall owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs only, while thousands of public and local government-owned homes are not affected by this Permensos so that the community and local government do not have to feel harmed.The issue that permensos said liquidating the orphanage is incorrect. It is noted that Ministry of Social Affairs orphanage which was converted into Balai there are only four in Indonesia, and one of them is Balai "Wyata Guna".

Permensos  No 18 in 2018 creates the ideal social service for people with disabilities and other beneficiaries. The quality and quantity of services is continuously improved, ranging from service facilities such as dormitories, laboratories, therapeutic tools, physical therapy, psychosocial and so on.

In fact, all halls under the management of the Ministry of Social Affairs have been accredited nationally and have an international standard of ISO 9000.The quality of its human resources, especially social workers, has also been professionally certified. Thus, the hall can be used as a referral center for nursing homes to study, synergize and take the best benefits for people with disabilities.Again, we should be grateful for this Permensos.