BEKASI (6 July 2021) – The Ministry of Social
Affairs through the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Center carried out regular
community service activities for environmental cleanliness at the Bekasi
"Pangudi Luhur" Center. Applicatively, this community service
activity is carried out together in cleaning the garden.
Indonesia has had a
variety of communal cultures since ancient times, one of which is mutual
cooperation in doing community service. The purpose of community service
activities is to keep the environment clean, preserve the environment and
existing natural resources. Community service is not only for maintaining a
clean environment but also useful in maintaining the attitude of unity.
On this occasion,
employees and beneficiaries (PM) harvest sweet potatoes from planting together
with the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini. The head of the
"Pangudi Luhur" Center in Bekasi, Kokom Komalawati, gave instructions
to all employees and PMs to do community service on the plantation area of
the ATENSI Creation Center owned by the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur"