YOGYAKARTA (December 9, 2020) - Surakarta "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Center as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs is preparing to implement Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI). For this reason, activities for the Preparation of the Strategic Plan of the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta Center for the Year 2020-2024 and the Evaluation of the Implementation of Activities in 2020.

This activity aims to improve the strategic plan (Renstra) draft that has been made. The Renstra draft needs adjustments to the fundamental paradigm shift in the social rehabilitation process.

The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, said that it was necessary to strengthen commitment in the preparation of the Strategic Plan. "I welcome the preparation of this Strategic Plan. We must strengthen our joint commitment in preparing the Strategic Plan for the implementation of national programs and the implementation of ATENSI by 41 Social Rehabilitation UPTs at the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Harry.

In the preparation of the Strategic Plan, a legal umbrella is needed to strengthen the implementation of the program, in this case the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 16 of 2020 concerning Social Rehabilitation Assistance which has just been passed is able to become legal standing in the preparation of the Strategic Plan and even the Performance Report (Lakin).

With the ratification of the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 16 of 2020 concerning Social Rehabilitation Assistance, social rehabilitation services can be realized effectively, especially in the Centers within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs. "In the future, the hall can become a role model for similar institutions such as local government social institutions, the community and other Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) which have the same operational pattern as the Balai owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Harry.

Harry pointed out that in the process of drafting the Strategic Plan, it was necessary to pay closer attention because there was a fundamental paradigm shift. One of them is the division of roles between the Central and the Center, namely the Central provides indirect services while the Center provides direct services through ATENSI.

These direct services consist of support for fulfilling a decent life, social care and/or child care, family support, therapy (physical, psychosocial, mental, spiritual), vocational training and entrepreneurship development, social assistance and social assistance and accessibility support.

Therefore, Harry reminded several things, including the measurement of the social function index which needs to be detailed using measurable indicators. In ATENSI, these indicators can be seen from the logical outcomes of the ATENSI framework, including the percentage of beneficiaries whose basic needs are met. This percentage is further broken down into the percentage of beneficiaries who are able to perform self-care (ADL), the percentage of beneficiaries who are able to deal with social psychological problems and the percentage of beneficiaries who are able to carry out self-actualization according to their potential.

In addition, other outcome components that can be used as performance indicators are the percentage of PMs who are able to carry out social care/protection, the percentage of communities or LKS that are able to carry out ATENSI and the percentage of HR who are able to carry out ATENSI.

Harry gave an example of the percentage of PMs who can perform self-care. "The beneficiary who was previously unable to walk because he was paralyzed, with therapy efforts and the provision of assistive devices, finally PM could walk, this shows the true performance of Center," he explained.

If agreed, said Harry, the outcome of this indicator could be a baseline to determine the future strategic plan with a logical framework based on the ATENSI program.

In addition to preparing the strategic plan, Heri Kris Sritanto said that this activity was also to review the implementation of the ATENSI trial in 9 districts. The results of the review will also be used as input in the Strategic Plan that is prepared.

The activity which was carried out by "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Center in Surakarta was attended by 50 participants who were structural and functional officials of Center. The activity, which was held in Yogyakarta, also featured resource persons from the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs, practitioners, the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities and the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.