PATI (4 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center Margo Laras Pati terminated and reunified 6 (six) beneficiaries based on referral housing from the Social Housing Complex (Liponsos) Surabaya (30/3/2021). Previously, after tracing, Margo Laras Center managed to locate the families of the beneficiaries.


After participating in the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service program starting from March 30, 2021, to August 5, 2021, or about 4 months more at Margo Laras Center, they have experienced a lot of development in terms of physical, mental, and social aspects.


At the beginning of entering Margo Laras Center, the beneficiary had a background of social problems of neglect, no contact number for his family to call, poor physical appearance, and suffered from scabies (itching), only armed with one set of clothes attached to the body, with mental health unstable and not able to socialize well.


During social rehabilitation, beneficiaries receive various ATENSI services such as psychosocial therapy, physical therapy, mental spiritual therapy, and also vocational training. There are various types of vocational training that they participate in including batik skills, agriculture as well as guidance on entrepreneurship development by selling the results of mushroom cultivation within the Center.


After receiving psychosocial therapy at the Center, their condition gradually improved, recovered from the skin diseases they had suffered so far, from a cognitive aspect they were able to remember their family, where they lived, as did one of the beneficiaries, Angga from Cirebon.


"I was very happy at Margo Laras, at first I was afraid to meet people because I was still traumatized by being abandoned by a relative in the middle of the road, until a Civil Service Police Unit was found me. I don't even have an ID card, I'm confused. My hope to go home is wide open, I also regularly take medicine and check with the doctor, often help in the kitchen and distribute clothes for friends at the Wisma, take Angga home, sir, "said Angga to the Center’s officials.


On Wednesday (4/8/2021), along with 5 other beneficiaries, Angga was gathered in the hall to be given reinforcement by the Head of Margo Laras, Jiwaningsih, and other professional teams.

"Tomorrow morning you will be escorted by officers from the Center to your respective homes. You are grateful that your family has been found, while your 94 friends are still waiting for the process. Make the best of your time at home to do positive activities, take medicine regularly, and follow health protocols during the pandemic. You will definitely be able to benefit your family and society one day. Your prayers, hopes, and long waits have been answered, welcome to meet your family again," said Jiwaningsih while providing reinforcement.

The family reunification activity will be held tomorrow (5/8), with the assistance of social workers who are divided into 2 (two) teams, namely the East Java and West Java teams. Before they left, an antigen swab test was done with a negative result.

At the end of the service program, Angga and 5 of his friends also received ATENSI assistance for business development according to the results of an assessment of their potential and a source system in the family and community environment that supports their business.