PALEMBANG (16 May 2020) - Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities (BSRPDF) "Budi Perkasa" in Palembang held a meeting for officers to Verify and Validate (Verval) data on recipients of stage I social assistance for staple food in the city of Palembang. By inviting the Netra Mandiri Social Welfare Institution (LKS) as a partner along with Assistants for Persons with Disabilities (PPD) and Social Welfare Workers for Persons with Disabilities (TKSPD), the team held a meeting related to technical verval which will be held on Sunday 17 May 2020.

The team was divided into 18 groups which were spread out in each sub-district in Palembang City. Accompanied by TKSPD and PPD, the verval process was carried out to review potential beneficiaries who met the criteria, such as age, family economic condition, and data By Name By Address (BNBA) as appropriate.

Not forgetting the standard health protocol for preventing COVID-19, officers who will go into the field are equipped with surgical masks and gloves, and remind officers to keep their distance and not cause crowds.

From the verval phase I process, it is hoped that the prospective recipients of the basic food assistance social assistance have actually been on right target, so that the assistance received can be useful.