BANDA ACEH (April 28th, 2020) - Head of the Social Rehabilitation Workshop for Children in Need of Special Protection (LRSAMPK) “Darussa'adah” Aceh, Darmanto signed a collaboration with BNI.

This collaboration is a follow-up to the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat regarding the acceleration of the distribution of Targeted Assistance (BanTu) for Child Social Rehabilitation, in order to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Darmanto said that 720 children will get one million rupiah which will be received simultaneously on Monday next week. The assistance can be used later to buy masks, gloves, hand sanitizers and multivitamins. "Hopefully the BanTu distribution process can be quickly distributed to children in need, and can be utilized as well as possible, including utilization for the prevention of COVID-19," continued Darmanto.

In the signing of this cooperation, the Branch Manager of BNI Banda Aceh, Saimun, was present. He expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs for the acceleration of social assistance to reduce the impact of COVID-19 which was given to children in Aceh and North Sumatra Provinces and always opened cooperation with Loka Anak "Darussa'adah" in the distribution of further social assistance.

As preparation, on Thursday, April 30, 2020 a technical guidance video conference (bimtek) will be held with supervisors and Social Worker Service Units (Sakti Peksos) throughout Aceh and North Sumatra to discuss technical guidelines (juknis) for the 2020 Child Social Rehabilitation BanTu.