JAKARTA (21 April 2021) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat attended an invitation from Indonesia Offroad Federation (IOF) as a speaker, in the Talkshow IIMS (Indonesia International Motor Show) Hybrid 2021 with the theme "Cooperation between the Ministry of Social Affairs and IOF for Social Society" at Studio IIMS Hybrid 2021 JIExpo, Kemayoran.


On this occasion the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat conveyed that the Ministry of Social Affairs is very eager to be able to collaborate with IOF to responds quickly in dealing with disaster situations and dealing with people who need help in remote areas that are difficult to reach. "Many people need attention, assistance, and various other social activities in this pandemic situation," said Harry.


The desire to cooperate is following the instruction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, that the Ministry of Social Affairs must be fast and responsive in carrying out the outreach activities to remote areas so that logistical assistance can be provided to people in need, despite facing various obstacles and challenges when a disaster occurs.


The Indonesia Off-Road Federation (IOF) is an organization in Indonesia that accommodates fans of off-road, social, humanitarian, disaster, competition, adventure and nature, and environmental conservation activities. In IOF's organizational structure in the social community sector, IOF has a community movement called IOF Peduli (Care). IOF Peduli actively participates in providing logistical transportation to deliver assistance in areas affected by natural disasters.


At the Talkshow IIMS Hybrid 2021 with the theme "Cooperation between the Ministry of Social Affairs and IOF for Social Society", the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat felt very enthusiastic about getting the opportunity to meet directly with IOF officials.