WAJO (14 May 2021) - The flood that occurred on Thursday, 13 May 2021 in Wajo Regency caused several losses to the community. For this reason, the Ministry of Social Affairs, through the Toddopuli Children's Center in Makassar, responds to the handling of disasters that occur.


This activity was carried out at the Benteng Village Headquarters, Pitumpanua District and was attended by the Head of the Social Service, the Head of the Social Protection and Security Division of the Wajo Social Service, Disaster Preparedness Cadets (TAGANA), the Sub-district Social Welfare Worker (TKSK) Pitumpanua, and Communities affected by the flood.


According to Ali, a TKSK Pitumpanua, the water level reaches 2 meters and the average height of people's houses is 2.5 to 3 meters so that only part of the house is affected and the water recedes quickly so there is no need for evacuation sites.


Christiana Junus, Head of the Toddopuli Children's Center in Makassar said that the Psychosocial Support Service Team (LDP) would be deployed as soon as possible to eliminate psychosocial trauma to children affected by the Flood Disaster.


H. Ahmad Jahran, Head of the Wajo Regency Social Service, would like to thank Children Center for giving great attention to children affected by the Flood Disaster. He also ordered his staff to send data on children affected by the Flood Disaster to be immediately sent to the Toddopulli Children's Center in Makassar so that they could get help to fulfill the children's needs.