(18 May 2021) - In creating a
clean, tidy, and beautiful work environment, according to the direction of the Minister
of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Galih Pakuan Bogor Resident Center will
carry out community service activities. This activity was also carried out for
health reasons, namely as a measure to prevent the spread of Covid 19. This
community service was carried out by all human resources in the Resident Center
Head of Galih Pakuan Resident Center Ujang
Taopik Hidayat appealed to all human resources to participate in this activity.
"For this activity, all human resources are expected to be involved and
clean up their work environment, both indoors and outdoors," said Ujang.
In this activity, several employees clean up
the files on their work desks so that the table is clear of documents except
for active documents that can still be placed on the work table. The active
document is then managed by an archivist, as conveyed by one of the archivists
of the Resident Center Galih Pakuan Wahyu Cahyaningtyas. "Documents that
are still active or important to be used must be well organized. We also sort
the active documents again, if the documents have been followed up, we will
save them in the filing cabinet, but if they have not been followed up, they
can still be stored on the work table. Meanwhile, we keep inactive archives in
the archive building," said Wahyu.
In addition to tidying up the files, in this
community service activity, grass cutting was also carried out in the area of
the Center and cleaning the rooms in the office building, tidying up the
layout of goods, and ensuring good air circulation in the room.