TASIKMALAYA (May 28, 2022) – National Elderly Day (HLUN)
which is commemorated every 29 May is a day where the Republic of Indonesia
wishes to appreciate the spirit of body and soul and the important role of the
elderly in contributing to the development and progress of the nation. The
Ministry of Social Affairs as a state institution responsible for the
implementation of the social welfare of the elderly organizes a series of real
activities for the elderly. The Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar participated
in the commemoration and series of HLUN 2022 activities.
The highlight of the commemoration of the 26th HLUN in 2022, was held in
Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java on Sunday 29 May 2022. The event was even more
lively because it would be held simultaneously in 39 sub-districts spread
across Tasikmalaya Regency.
The Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar has conducted an assessment of the
elderly in Pagerageung District, which is one of the sub-districts in
Tasikmalaya Regency. In this sub-district, the Darussa'adah Center in Aceh
Besar distributed Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program to 300
beneficiaries (PM).
ATENSI provided in the form of entrepreneurial venture capital
assistance for the elderly so that they remain productive even in old age. In
addition, the assistance provided is the repair of Uninhabitable Houses
(Rutilahu) along with the basic needs of decent houses for the elderly.
"Thanks, MoSA for providing business capital assistance to us,"
said the 69-year-old Hindun.
The series of HLUN activities in 2022 will not only be held in
Tasikmalaya Regency but will also be held in Aceh. A total of 113 elderly PM
in Aceh Besar District have received ATENSI program in the form of nutrition
and clothing, as well as assistance in the form of wheelchairs. For the peak
event on May 29, 2022, a handover of aid will be held at the Darussa'adah
Center in Aceh Besar for 41 elderly in Aceh Besar District.