Tegal (March 3, 2023) - Dede Waluyo, 43 years old, has been unemployed for almost three years. He used to be the head of family and became the breadwinner to support his wife and two children. Dede's life suddenly turned around when his right forearm was amputated three years ago. He suffered from diabetes which resulted in the decomposition of his arm. Since then he has been considered unproductive. Laid off from his job.


It was difficult for him to find a new job, and this condition made him worse off. Efforts to meet the economic needs of the family were then taken over by his wife by opening a small shop in his house which is in a narrow alley of Keraton Village, West Tegal District, Tegal City.


"Yes, it's just a small shop business, lack of capital, then I submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Thank God, we got additional capital, all sorts of things," said Dede when receiving assistance from MoSA through “Kartini” Integrated Center in Temanggung, Friday (03/03/ 2023).


Dede also added that he still has a hope to get back up. There is a feeling of optimism.


"This additional capital is my encouragement, I will manage it well, I hope the capital can be doubled," added Dede.


Dede is one of Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) who received entrepreneurial assistance in the form of a grocery shop. The assistance was handed over directly at his house by the Head of Integrated Center “Kartini” in Temanggung.


Head of “Kartini” Integrated Center in Temanggung, Iyan Kusmadiana explained that there were 391 PPKS in Tegal City who received assistance. The assistance was handed over to Tegal City Social Office.


"The total assistance we distributed amounted to IDR 252 million. Apart from handing it over to Tegal City Social Office, we also had the opportunity to visit several beneficiary houses to hand over the assistance directly," said Iyan.


The Head of Tegal City Social Office, Bahari stated that ATENSI aid from the Ministry of Social Affairs was very useful for PPKS. He appreciated the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Integrated Center in Temanggung, which moved quickly to respond to requests from residents who needed assistance.


"ATENSI aid is very useful for PPKS, we appreciate the Ministry of Social Affairs' quick response," said Bajari.