CIBINONG (July 27, 2021) – The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat accompanied by the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center “Inten Soeweno” Cibinong and the Head of Kartini Temanggung Center, had the opportunity to directly inspect the Public Kitchen of the Ciungwanara Center. During the visit, the Director General advised the Center and Tagana employees of the Ministry of Social Affairs to always be enthusiastic in preparing and distributing food supplies for Health Workers, funeral workers and LKS or affected residents.


"Continue to give the best contribution in establishing a Public Kitchen, don't forget to keep your health and health protocols must continue," said Harry Hikmat.


The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Ciungwanara Center opened a Public Kitchen to meet the intake of nutritious food for health workers, funeral workers and residents who are self-isolating due to exposure to the Covid-19. This is a follow-up to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharani, that the Ministry of Social Affairs support in handling Covid-19 by the establishment of public kitchens to supply nutritious food intake.


From the recapitulation data recorded from 21 to 27 July 2021, Ciungwanara public kitchens have distributed 2,815 rice boxes and 4,470 eggs are produced per day which are given to hospitals around Bogor and Cianjur regencies, workers who work in cemetery areas Bogor Regency, Social Welfare Institutions and surrounding communities affected by the Covid-19 virus pandemic.


The head of the Ciungwanara Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti said that her party together with the Inten Soeweno Center and the Galih Pakuan Center also collaborated with the Bogor Regency Social Service, Bogor Regency Tagana, TKSK, PKH Assistants will continue to contribute to this Ministry of Social Affairs’ Public Kitchen.


"We will carry out the message from the Minister of Social Affairs as best we can, helping others who are fighting on the front line in handling the Covid-19 and residents who are exposed to it," said Sari.


The problem of the Covid-19 pandemic is a big problem which in its management there must be synergy from various elements, government programs must be fully supported so that the pace of this pandemic does not develop rapidly.


"Hopefully all the efforts we carry out will receive the blessing and protection of Allah SWT and this pandemic will end soon so that we can provide excellent service in terms of social rehabilitation for others in need," concluded Harry Hikmat.