BOGOR (March 10, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, visited the Ciungwanara Disability Center, Bogor to review the readiness of the ATENSI Creation Center and the Occupational Therapy Center. Harry, who was accompanied by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Eva Rahmi Kasim, and the staff reviewed all the rooms, facilities and infrastructure at the Ciungwanara Disability Center, Bogor.

The Ciungwanara Disability Center is a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) under the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs which provides social rehabilitation services for people with intellectual disabilities. In the future, the center will provide multifunctional services, not only providing services for persons with disabilities, but also providing services to children, the elderly, victims of drug abuse as well as socially impaired and trafficking victims.

The Center, which has an area of ​​14 provinces covering all of Sumatra, South Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, Banten and West Java, is predicted to be one of the locations for the construction of the ATENSI Creation Center.

Harry inspected all the facilities and infrastructure in the Center which has an area of ​​2 hectares. Starting from the skills room, hall, occupational therapy room, public services, sports center, to guest houses.

"I think the building is quite good, there is no need for a major renovation of the building, it just needs some repairs and room optimization and the addition of more modern equipment to provide the best service to the community," said Harry.

Harry also directed the Head of the Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti, to immediately move and prepare the Occupational Therapy Room to a larger room as one of the center's mainstay services.

Occupational therapy is a medical rehabilitation procedure using manual, creative, recreational, educational, and social activities that generate independence to improve a person's physical functioning.

"The occupational therapy room should be moved to the center, equipped with the best equipment, and applied 12 occupational therapy techniques so that we are ready to serve early age beneficiaries who need this therapy," added Harry.

Harry added that each room in the occupational therapy room needs to be provided with quality and standardized facilities, adequate lighting and adapting to therapeutic music. Then added a soundproof room with light that can be adjusted according to therapy needs.

Standard occupational therapy rooms are Sensory Integration Room, Snoezelen Room and Concentration/Remedial Therapy Room.

Harry also directed that the center can be used as an art therapy center, where beneficiaries can practice honing their talents and abilities in real time on stage. He added that the ATENSI Creation Center could be made by utilizing a guest house building equipped with a gazebo, fountain and aesthetic lights.

Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Eva Rahmi Kasim, also provided input regarding accessibility that needs to be improved at Ciungwanara Center. "I hope the streets in Ciungwanara Center can be made more accessible for wheelchair users, please make some ram in each room too," said Eva.

The Head of the Ciungwanara Disability Center and her staff are committed to carrying out directives to improve social rehabilitation services for beneficiaries and realize the ATENSI Creation Center.

After conveying these directions, Harry and his staff immediately went to the Cibinong Disability Center, Bogor to review the facilities and readiness of the Cibinong Bogor Disability Center for the construction of the ATENSI Creation Center.