SURAKARTA (April 1, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat reviewed the readiness of the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) of the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center in Surakarta during his working visit to Central Java Province.

Currently, the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center in Surakarta is preparing ATENSI Creation Center, according to the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini who wants the ATENSI Creation Center to become a community empowerment center and marketing center for the Ministry of Social programs such as PKH, KUBE, Social Entrepreneurship Program (Prokus) and other programs.

The Workshop building in Manahan Solo will be converted into the SKA center for the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center. According to Harry Hikmat, this place is very strategic because it is located in the center of Solo City and close to the Manahan International Stadium. "This location is perfect for creating a culinary center and gallery and marketing various creations of persons with disabilities," said Harry Hikmat. At the location, low-cost flats (Rusunawa) will also be built for persons with disabilities, veterans, and marginalized or neglected people.

The Director General of Social Rehabilitation continues to review the various facilities and infrastructure of the Surakarta Center for Disabilities "Prof. Dr. Soeharso", including food restaurants/canteens, electric wheelchair production installation rooms, workshop rooms for making prosthetic limbs (Orthose/Prothese), craft skills rooms hand and hydroponic growing area.

At the restaurant, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation tasted the salted eggs produced by the beneficiaries and other food menus. Harry Hikmat also had the opportunity to see the process of making salted eggs by beneficiary parents and have a dialogue with them. "You must go to school and attend therapy so you can walk," said Harry Hikmat, stroking Wildan's head gently. Wildan is a beneficiary of the Center who has had wilting of both legs since birth and has just finished undergoing surgery/post-hydrocephalus.

Currently, Wildan is in grade 3 of SLB and studying online. Wildan's parents, Mrs. Sukarti accompanied Wildan while he was receiving services at the Center. Sukarti also learned the skill of making salted eggs to fill her free time. It is hoped that his skills can help the family economy.

In the Prothese and Orthose Workshop, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation observed a series of semi-electronic and electronic wheelchairs. Harry Hikmat hopes that the Soeharso Center can meet the wheelchair production target desired by Social Affairs Minister Risma.

In the handicraft skills room, Harry Hikmat saw firsthand the beneficiary's process of making paintings from eggshells. On this occasion, one of the beneficiaries, Alfia Nadia from Subang Regency, handed over a painting of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini's face made from eggshells to the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

Alfia hopes that the Director General of Social Rehabilitation can submit the painting directly to Mrs. Risma. Alfia also gave a memento made of her self-made eco-print batik cloth to the Director General of Social Rehabilitation. "I like this eco-print batik because it looks natural with the leaf motifs," said Harry Hikmat.

The Soeharso Center for Disabilities is currently developing the cultivation of koi fish, fish in buckets (budikdamber), and ornamental plants. Harry hopes that the Center can develop the koi livestock business, starting from the spawning process to selling the fish to the market/consumers. “The catfish look quite big, they are suitable for sale in the market. The kale is fresh too,” said Harry Hikmat when he saw the budikdamber. Ornamental plants developed by the Center have also been sold to the public and many are interested in buying them.

During his visit the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat and accompanied by the Head of the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center, the "Kartini" Disability Center in Temanggung, the Head of "Satria" Resident Center in Baturraden, the Head of "Tan Miyat" Center in Bekasi, and Head of "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center in Bekasi.