CIREBON (January 15th 2020) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto was one of the speakers at the Preparation of Nursery Patterns for New Student Admissions for the Bandung Poltekesos in 2020 at The Luxton Cirebon Hotel & Convention, Cirebon City. On this occasion, Edi explained the Analysis of Social Worker HR Needs in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

"The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has 1,986 employees, 50.3% of the total employees of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The proportion of functional positions of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation in December 2019, namely Social Welfare Services by 25.7%, Social Counselors by 7.3%, Archivists at 5.7%, Nurses by 4.1%, Planners at 4.1%, Computer Administrators at 3.6%, Instructors 3%, Physiotherapists 1.3 %, Doctors for 0.4% and 1.8% for other professions, "said Edi. From the employee description, the number of social workers is still dominant at the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

Furthermore, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation said that the total number of social workers needed was 1,306 people, while the total number of social workers that had been distributed was 511 people, there was still less than 795 social workers. The total number of social counseling needed is 174 people, while the total social counseling that has been distributed is 68 people, there are still less than 106 people.

"In essence, related to nurseries, we will determine how many people need in the work unit, for example in Social Rehabilitation how many people. This is more of a policy nuance, because the user is with us," said Edi. Further discussion with the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms is needed to determine the slot in the social welfare Polytechnic. This depends on staffing planning at the Ministry of Social Affairs, said Edi further.

The preparatory activity of the 2020 Bandung social welfare Polytechnic new student admissions nursery pattern presented several speakers, namely the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto, Director General of Social Empowerment Papan Nazarudin, Expert Staff of the Minister (SAM) for Social Change and Dynamics Asep Sasa Purnama, Expert Staff of the Minister for Accessibility Social Sonny W. Manalu, Head of Planning Bureau Adhy Karyono, Inspector General Dadang Iskandar and Secretary of the Harapan Lumban Gaol Education, Research and Counseling Agency.

A total of 183 participants attended this activity. Participants are educators and educational staff of the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic.