PARIMO (3 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Disability Center "Nipotowe" Palu responded to public complaints regarding the existence of persons with intellectual disabilities who need assistance in Parigi Moutong Regency.


Information on the existence of intellectual disabilities is found through the Whatsapp Social media application message. The message was sent by Fadlun who is an elderly companion.


“We found two brothers and sisters who were not touched by the local government at the Parigi Moutong Regency. Because they do not have data, so it can be suggested to receive assistance. And these two children are still together with their parents,” said the message on Whastapp platform received accompanied by a photo of two children with intellectual disabilities last Thursday (29/04/2021).


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, that any reports from the public can be immediately followed up, then Syaiful Samad as the Head of the "Nipotowe" Disability Center Palu immediately sent an assessment team consisting of social workers and occupational therapists to Parimo Regency based on the address given.


Hanafi, as the head of the administrative subdivision of the "Nipotowe" Disability Center Palu, first coordinated with the Social Office and the Office of Women and Child Protection (DP3AP2KB) Parigi Moutong Regency to ensure the correctness of the information obtained and the extent of assistance that has been given to persons with disabilities.


"We want to ensure the information we get, as well as ensure what kind of assistance that has been given so that it does not overlap," said Hanafi.


Persons with intellectual disabilities who were met directly at their home by the Disability Center Team "Nipotowe" Palu on Friday (30/04/2021) are brothers named Moh. Salim is 9 years old and Moh. Rizieq Al Idrus is 3 years old. Moh. Salim was born prematurely with low birth weight and has suffered from malnutrition and difficulty speaking and walking until now.


Likewise with his younger brother, Moh. Rizieq Al Idrus, who was born normally with a womb at birth at 9 months. However, according to the family, the baby is difficult to eat so that the bodyweight is under. They suffer from malnutrition and developmental disorders. The two brothers have not been able to speak and walk until now.

Other information from Lamludin, as the Head of Sigenti Village, stated that the father of the two children with intellectual and also mental disabilities is in the process of healing. However, Sigenti Village Head stated that it was not true that the family had never been touched by assistance.

“The family once received BLT from village funds. However, for the problem of treating children, we don't have a BPJS or KIS,” said Lamludin, Head of Sigenti Village.

Even though they do not have a KIS or BPJS, the village head stated that the family still received services from Posyandu and Puskesmas. The family hopes to have KIS soon so that they can treat the two brothers.

The family needs that are needed now are the support for basic food needs and walking aids.

For basic food needs, the Disability Center "Nipotowe" in Palu immediately responded on the spot and handed over Rp 1,200,000 to the family. In addition, the family also get parenting skill activity services to optimize care for persons with intellectual disabilities carried out by Social Workers and Occupational Therapists from the "Nipotowe" Disability Center Palu.