JAMBI (April 28th 2020) - Limited space for movement in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of Ramadan Fasting, has not dampened the enthusiasm and participation of the “Alyatama” Balai Anak employees. The Case Conference was held through Zoom Meetings to discuss the progress and reintegration plans of the Beneficiaries (PM).

The development of COVID-19 and the dynamic condition of PM Balai Anak “Alyatama” encourage Social Workers to update the assessment process and results.  Based on the results of the assessment, it is hoped that there will be two intervention plans, namely that the child can be reintegrated into the family or remain in the center. Each Social Worker presents an analysis of the needs and problems of the child, offers the best solutions, and discusses various developments in the child's behavior while in the center.Everything is done in a professional manner for the best interest of the child.

In this activity, Lifyarman as the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section emphasized the importance of seeing the readiness conditions of families and local agencies before implementing reintegration.

"The suggestion for the reintegration of children to their families came out due to COVID-19, we did have to do it but it returned to the development and condition of children and families, whether it was appropriate or not to be reintegrated," said Nurhasanah as Head of the Social Services and Rehabilitation Section.

Imron as the Head of the Center emphasized that he is waiting for the final results of a structured assessment and professional recommendations from Social Workers and other professions that are optimized by providing therapy and refreshing activities while still paying attention to health protocols and maintaining physical distance. At the end of the activity, all participants encourage each other so that the task can run well and get benefits.

The activity, which was led directly by the Head of the Center, was attended by 16 participants, namely Head of the Social Services and Rehabilitation Section, Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section, all Social Workers, Social Counselors, Mental Coaches, Nurses, and Service Administrators.