JAKARTA (27 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation prepares, implements, and monitors, and evaluates policies related to respect, protection. and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities.


This was conveyed by the Director of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Eva Rahmi Kasim, who was present as a speaker in the Discussion and Evaluation of the Implementation of Law Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities, which was organized by the GERINDRA Central Executive Board. The activities were carried out both online and in-person at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta.


"The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to implement the law, including the issuance of several Government Regulations (PP) and Presidential Regulations (Perpres), including PP Number 70 of 2019 on Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Respect, Protection, and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Then, PP Number 52 of 2019 on the Implementation of Social Welfare for Persons with Disabilities as well as PP and other Presidential Regulations," explained Eva.


At the local level, in the form of direct services in the community through the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program, namely social rehabilitation services that use a family, community, and residential-based approach.


Social rehabilitation services through ATENSI are carried out in an integrated manner with other programs, such as social protection and security, social empowerment, and other cross-sectoral programs both at the central and regional levels.


"To support the availability of accountable and sustainable data for persons with disabilities, the Ministry of Social Affairs has the Integrated Social Welfare Data through the New Integrated Social Welfare Data (New DTKS) application," said Eva.


Furthermore, the government also initiates the use of technology in assistive devices for persons with disabilities, encouraging the realization of accessibility for persons with disabilities to the physical environment, transportation, information, and communication, as well as access to other facilities and services.


Eva added that the government has also developed an inclusive environment for persons with disabilities both in education and work by establishing a Disability Service Unit (ULD).

"The Ministry of Social Affairs through social rehabilitation centers has developed the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) as a center for entrepreneurship and vocational development as well as media for promoting the work of beneficiaries in one area so that people with disabilities can also market their products," said Eva.

Deputy Chairman of GERINDRA Hasyim Hadi Joyo Kusumo conveyed this activity in the context of the 5th anniversary of the enactment of Law Number 8 of 2016. "GERINDRA will continue to oversee the law, after 5 years of how it is implemented, what to do and what to improve," explained Hasyim.

The implementation of Law Number 8 of 2016 requires increased government supervision so that its implementation can be more optimally by the central and local governments. In the past 5 years, much progress has been made in efforts to respect, protect, and fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities.

However, it is still necessary to strengthen the synergy between various parties to obtain optimal results. Also attending this event were members of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives, the Ombudsman, the Working Group for Persons with Disabilities, other relevant ministries/institutions.