MAKASSAR (April 24th, 2020) - 32 persons with physical disabilities who became Service Recipients at the “Wirajaya” Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (BRSPDF) in Makassar attended the Youtuber Workshop. This activity is a form of providing livelihood services to improve the social capabilities of Service Recipients who are the spirit of the provision of Advanced Social Rehabilitation services carried out at BRSPDF “Wirajaya” as a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) under the auspices of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (Dirjen Rehsos) Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia.

This activity is an effort by the Balai to adapt and at the same time take advantage of advances in information technology in providing advanced social rehabilitation services for persons with physical disabilities. Having an understanding of being a successful YouTuber is of course Basic Marketing Skills for Service Recipients.The implementation of this activity is also an indicator of the enthusiasm and productivity of learning from Service Recipients. This phenomenon, of course, is in line with the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation (Dirjen Rehsos), Harry Hikmat, who always emphasizes being productive even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, by still paying attention to the COVID-19 protocol in implementing every activity, said the Head of BRSPDF "Wirajaya" at  Makassar, Syaiful Samad.

While in the Balai, continued Syaiful, actually the Service Recipients have been provided with various therapies, including regular skill therapy, sewing, automotive, electronics, furniture, printing, make-up and photography skills. "Therefore, with the provision of regular skills provided, coupled with mastery of the use of information technology, all of which will become social capital for persons with disabilities in living life in the midst of society later," said Syaiful.

Tumming Abu, who is known as a Youtuber and a well-known local artist in Makassar City, was present as a resource for this activity. On this occasion, Tumming Abu shared more tips and ways to become a successful YouTuber, how to choose themes andcreative content, and also provided material that was valuable to success motivation to the participants, especially to Service Recipients.  He also emphasized that success all starts with hard work and effort. Likewise, someone's success is inseparable from the determination and consistency of the choices that are our passion. "If my friends choose to focus on one skill option, it takes seriousness and consistency in carrying out the chosen activity," said Tumming Abu.

In addition to Tumming Abu, Alis RG, another YouTuber from Makassar, was also present as a resource person for an activity that lasted for 2 (two) hours with the theme *"Empowering" during the COVID-19 Emergency hashtag #dibalaiaja # gakmanamana*.

In this online workshop, not Service Recipients, but also many BRSPDF “Wirajaya” employees and several skill instructors participated.