JAKARTA (November 23, 2020) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, was present at the Social Welfare Integrated Data Coordination Meeting (DTKS) held by the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation. The activity, which started from 09.00 to 15.30 WIB, was carried out virtually and involved 220 participants consisting of representatives from the Provincial Social Office, National Forum for Child Social Welfare Institutions (LKSA), Centers/Loka for Children in Need of Special Protection, Directorate of Social Empowerment, Individuals, Family and Community Institutions (PSPKKM) and SPV Social Worker Service Units (Sakti Peksos) throughout Indonesia as well as several representatives from LKSAs.

Harry said that DTKS became a nationally prioritized policy, not only for the Ministry of Social Affairs but also for all relevant Ministries/Institutions. “DTKS is very important to support social protection and social rehabilitation policies. DTKS is used to help plan social rehabilitation programs, improve the use of budgets and resources for social rehabilitation programs and improve the quality of targeting for social rehabilitation programs, one of which is social assistance programs," said Harry.

“If it is not based on DTKS, people will doubt the accuracy of the targeting of social assistance. It is time for the database system to be updated continuously and can be used for planning purposes to monitoring the evaluation of social rehabilitation programs," he explained.

Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi said that this coordination meeting was aimed at building a common perception and understanding of various parties in updating DTKS. "We have been inputting DTKS in the Next Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS NG) since 2019. Currently, we are trying to encourage LKSAs to update children's data," said Kanya.

The Head of the Center for Social Welfare Data and Information, Said Mirza Pahlevi as a resource person in the activity, said that currently all matters related to social assistance must refer to the integrated data that we have. “The management of DTKS has been regulated in the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 5 of 2019. This of course can be a reference for us together. Currently, Pusdatin has developed the SIKS NG application system that can be used to collect DTKS data at LKSAs. All data will be integrated into this system in order to realize the One Indonesian Social Welfare Data,” he said.

“Pusdatin is the leading sector and the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation is the user of the system developed by Pusdatin. Therefore, the existence of this opportunity can be utilized as well as possible by various parties, including the Provincial Social Office, Regency/City Social Office, LKSA and Social Work Unit," explained Harry.

The DTKS Coordination Meeting activity was filled with material presentation on the LKSA Data Input Flow Mechanism at SIKS NG by the Pusdatin Team. Of the hundreds of participants who attended enthusiastically asked questions. Through this activity, it is hoped that all obstacles experienced during data input can be resolved.