TEMANGGUNG (May 24, 2022) - Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs regarding the spike in dengue fever, the Kartini Integrated Center in collaboration with PMI Temanggung Regency carried out blood donation activities.


Also participating in this activity were employees of the Kartini Integrated Center, employees of the Social Office for Handling the Visual Sensory Disabilities (PPSDSN), Temanggung Employees, and elements of the surrounding community which were held in the Kartini Center. Based on the results of the screening conducted by PMI Temanggung Regency, there were 42 (forty-two) people out of 49 (forty-nine) registrants who were declared to meet the requirements as donors.


One of the blood donor participants from the community, Sri Sumardiyati expressed her gratitude to the Kartini Integrated Center for facilitating blood donation activities. It is hoped that in the future the Kartini Integrated Center will routinely carry out blood donation activities.


"This activity is very beneficial for me because after participating in blood donation, I feel healthier and fitter", he concluded.


PMI Temanggung Regency officer, Awada expressed his gratitude for the participation of all blood donor participants. In the future, the Kartini Temanggung Center for Integrated Service will be one of the Blood Donor Posts.


In addition to being active in prevention, the community's simultaneous movement to carry out blood donations is part of the comprehensive prevention of dengue fever. This activity is also expected to increase social awareness toward others.