JAKARTA (13 May 2021) - Not waiting for tomorrow, the elderly MN who was born in Flores 84 years ago, the Bekasi police took him at the night of before Eid to Budhi Dharma Center, and right on the 'Eid Al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1442 H, MN can meet his family in Ciracas, East Jakarta.


Meeting and being in the middle of the family is one part of the elderly's right to live happily. The condition of memory loss can cause the elderly to leave home and not remember returning home. Likewise, MN when asked by the Social Worker of Budhi Dharma could only remember part of the information about where he lived. Luckily, he left with an identity card, so that it is one of the conveniences in tracing the whereabouts of the family and returning him to his family.


“Budhi Dharma” Center Bekasi by implementing employee pickets during the Eid Al-Fitr holiday has a positive impact on maintaining the continuity of services. This is also one of the right steps in providing services to the elderly appropriately and quickly.


Because that night after being handed over from the Bekasi police and given by the officials of the Center, MN had almost left to follow his footsteps, fortunately, he was immediately found by a Social Worker, Bertua Hutagalung at the gate and invited him back to the dormitory.


The Head of Administration representing the Head of the Center, Dewi Kania, reminded that this elderly should immediately be followed up to be traced by his family. Triyatni, a Functional Coordinator immediately coordinated with social workers who are currently picketing, and encouraged them to immediately prepare the elderly to be invited along with their family tracing efforts, with the address on the elderly's ID card.


"Come on, no need to wait for Monday, Let’s help! MN's condition can lead him to go out of control and we have to guarantee the rights of the elderly to meet their families as soon as possible."


Two Social Workers, Nawula and Bertua Hutagalung then drove MN to the address listed on his KTP in Ciracas, East Jakarta, until they actually met his family (children and his wife).


'' Thank you, ma'am, for taking my father back to the house, we have all been looking for him for two days, but we did not find it, we are very happy that he has returned home. We also express our gratitude to the big family of “Budhi Dharma” Center Bekasi, Ministry of Social Affairs for taking good care of our parents,'' said Marselinus Gonselo, son of MN.


"Thank God, I am grateful for it, I hope this is the blessing of 'Eid," said Masni, MN's wife is full of emotion.


Furthermore, “Budhi Dharma” Center Bekasi, represented by Social Workers, was also given ATENSI assistance in the form of nutrition for MN elderly.


“Please take good care of him, sir/ma'am, so that he doesn't leave the house again, and always put an identity or phone number with a bracelet or on the clothes that are attached to the body, so that at any time he leaves without the family's knowledge, the phone number can be contacted," message from the Social Worker of “Budhi Dharma” Center Bekasi to the family.