GOWA (12 March 2021) - The Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) "Gau Mabaji" in Gowa is one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs received a visit from the Indonesian Elderly Institute (LLI) who is also a member of the Social Retirement Association (Kapesos) of South Sulawesi Province.


The visit was intended to have a closer look at the process of social rehabilitation services for the elderly carried out by the “Gau Mabaji” Elderly Center in Gowa.


Besides, in a series of activities, elderly exercises were also carried out in the Center. An exercise for the elderly is a form of Physical Therapy which is a manifestation of direct services in the Social Rehabilitation Assistance program (ATENSI).


Wahidin, Head of the "Gau Mabaji" Center for the Elderly in Gowa, conveyed the changes in services implemented by the Center. It was starting from the change in nomenclature from Panti to Balai (Center) to ATENSI social rehabilitation services are implemented on three bases, namely the Family, Community and Residential basis which is implemented in 10 areas of work coverage.


On this occasion, Abidin, as the Head of Kapesos, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Elderly Center "Gau Mabaji" in Gowa.


"We express our gratitude for the acceptance that has been made by the Center, which now services are getting better and the infrastructure is getting more organized and tidy," said Abidin.


This series of activities is also evidence of the benefits of establishing the Indonesian Elderly Institute, namely as a forum for elderly social retirees to be more productive and efficient.


"The Indonesian Elderly Institute is an institution established to provide opportunities for elderly retired social workers to be more efficient and active," added Sewang Thamal as the Chairman of LLI.


Responding to this, Ruqiyah as an elderly LLI member and social retiree who owns the Elderly Social Welfare Institution (LKS-LU) expressed her readiness to synergize with existing programs at the Center.


"We have established LKS-LU since 2014 and started working together with Gau Mabaji Elderly Center since last year and are ready to work together for future programs," said Ruqiyah.


It is hoped that in the future the Center can continue to work together with LLI in providing services to the elderly. One of them is by inviting LLI to various activities held by the Center.