TABANAN (January 22nd 2020) - The Bali "Mahatmiya" Bali Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) is exploring collaboration with Gojek through one of its features, namely Go-Massage. According to the attendance at the meeting, representatives of Gojek, Nyoman Prajna Masbrahma Dipa (SPV Operation Bali) and Befin Amanda Putra (Regional Marketing Executive) explained about the Go-Massage system to the Head of BRSPDSN Mahatmiya Bali, Sutiono and Head of Social Rehabilitation Services (LRS) Section Herlin Wahyuni Hidayat in the LRS meeting room.
Yudi Hermawan, one of the massage instructors at Mahatmiya, seemed quite enthusiastic about the explanation from the Gojek representative by asking several questions about the Go-Massage system. With the establishment of this good collaboration, it is hoped that it can uphold equality in work, including for people with disabilities.