JAKARTA (17 April 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs together with the Surabaya Economic Hero are discussing trends regarding Craft Business Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The webinar, which was attended by the Centers within the Ministry of Social Affairs and business people through a zoom meeting and live facebook, was opened directly by the Special Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs, Luhur Budijarso as the Economic Hero Steering Committee.


During this pandemic, the handicraft business began to find momentum, because there were two interesting things to observe. "First, there is a trend of people working from home and that will create a considerable the small things related to it. From simple appliances such as cellphone holders, to air fresheners such as aromatherapy candles. "Second, of course, it is related to personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks with all the knick-knacks," said Luhur.


Not only things related to PPE and masks, but an interesting new trend ahead of Ramadan (fasting month) is also the parcel business, and its knick-knacks, such as packaging of goods to make them look sweeter. "So, the hampers for Eid is also an interesting third momentum," added Luhur.


Siti Retnani as the Creative Industry Intermediate Cluster Coordinator and Katarina from Griya Rina who were present as the speaker at this webinar shared their experiences in running the handicraft business and what opportunities can be obtained during a pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, Rina told me that she had raised chickens, catfish, tilapia fish, and lobster shrimp. "Because if we don't go out, we can be stressed. We stabilize those who are at home, still have to work continuously, and also feel happy," explained Rina.


Besides, currently, eco print is a craft business opportunity and is becoming a trend. Ecoprint displays an environmentally friendly lifestyle, innovation needs actualization and the potential to be prepared in line with public awareness to preserve nature. This has been done by the beneficiaries at the Budhi Dharma Bekasi Elderly Center belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs which services to the elderly and continues to develop innovations in the quality of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services.


Apart from Rina, Siti Retnani also had the opportunity to share her experiences during the pandemic. "During the pandemic, Alhamdulillah we send it to England and never stop every month. That is the place where the ashes are stored, the orders are still there. I sell packaged leaves, packaged corn husks, and visited by many people until now, "said Retnani.

In the momentum of the month of Ramadan and Eid, Siti Retnani also made a box for catering business people. "For example, the box is requested of paper or batik, yes I serve all of them. Later, sometimes I give input, for example, the shape is like a bag or as a pyramid, I will definitely give that input. Apart from catering entrepreneurs, also for parcels." Retnani said.

Various forms of business that are trendy of course must be supported in terms of artistic and product quality. Quality is the main thing in product selection by customers. Even though it is expensive, the product will still be sought after if it is comparable to its quality. "Maybe if this handicraft strategy can sometimes unusual, the model might be brave or unique, or vice versa just be brave when other people can’t," said Doddi Madya Judanto, Special Advisor of the Minister of Social Affairs for Empowerment and Poverty Handling.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are becoming a common wave throughout Indonesia and have become a mainstay focus for Indonesia's revival. "The opportunity is here and even soon we will meet with the momentum of Eid. God willing, it will improve later, because we already have capital, capital is not only talking about money, but also a skill, carefulness to see opportunities, willingness to do business and to learn,"  he spoke strictly.

This webinar was attended by the Head of Social Rehabilitation Centers, employees, and the beneficiaries of the Social Rehabilitation Centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as business people who are learning to get craft business opportunities to survive this pandemic.