JAKARTA (December 1, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs continues to invite the public, government and companies to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to work, one of which is in the working world and entrepreneurship.

This was conveyed by the Director of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Eva Rahmi Kasim in the Disabilities Show Episode 2 which is a series of International Disability Day (HDI) 2020. This episode discusses the provision of the working world and entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities.

Eva said that the Ministry of Social Affairs prepares policies, programs and case responses for persons with disabilities. “The state exists in the context of respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities. Especially with the COVID-19 condition, many cases of people with disabilities have been laid off and even neglected," he said when interviewed by Melaney Ricardo and Dio Hapasari as event guides.

The Ministry of Social Affairs provides social rehabilitation programs through centers, one of which is the Bogor “Cibinong” Center which focuses on vocational and entrepreneurship training. There are 7 types of training in the hall, namely computers, graphic design, tailoring, metal work, automotive, electronics and contact centers. This training has also met the National Work Competency Standards.

The Bogor "Cibinong" Center has collaborated with 300 companies to distribute beneficiaries who are ready to work. The companies are diverse, ranging from garment companies, automotive, electronics, graphic design to welding. Eva said that job opportunities from the company were important because it was mandated in Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities.

On this occasion were also attended by alumni from "Cibinong" Center in Bogor, Rendi Agustra and Saldi Rahman, people with physical disabilities who now have a Kito Rato Coffee business. They were inspired to start a coffee business because coffee has reached all circles and there are still few people with disabilities who open coffee businesses.

"During the pandemic, we are affected. But we try to survive by innovating. One of them is by continuing to sell and packing coffee into bottles measuring 1 liter, 0.5 liter and 0.25 liter,” said Saldi.

In addition, Rendi also explained that our innovation is not with the concept of a coffee shop, but using a car to sell coffee. "We call the VW Inclusive Red and White car. The philosophy is a car with a red and white color and this coffee business which was officially established on Independence Day," he explained.

Saldi revealed that the most difficult challenge to reach the current point is the challenge of self-preparation, how to accept the status of a person with a disability. Rendi also stated that there are challenges, but how do we respond. "We have to be passionate, strong and creative so that we can be equal," he said.

In this segment, the Disabilities Show also presents Agus Triana, a person with intellectual disability who works at PT. SUAI Subang and Herdian, HRD PT. SUAI Subang. "We as a company try to comply with government regulations, one of which is to employ persons with disabilities at least 1% of the total number of employees," said Herdian.

Herdian also said that since 2013 PT. SUAI has started employing persons with disabilities. It turns out that they have the same quality of work as non-disabled people. Until now, the number of employees with disabilities is 48 people from only 3 people.

Agus got a good work environment. “I am proud, I am happy to have many friends. I am always excited because all my friends work well with me," he said.

The Ministry of Social Affairs also involves the community and local governments to open up opportunities for persons with disabilities to work and be economically independent. It is proven through the Care Shelter Workshop (SWP) developed by "Kartini" Center in Temanggung, people with intellectual disabilities are able to earn through splashed batik works whose marketing has reached overseas.

In this Disabilities Show Episode 2 there was also an appearance from "Melati" Center in Jakarta, namely Jasmine Dance who performed a dance with folk songs in Indonesia. These dancers are deaf and speech sensory disabilities.

At the end of the segment, Rendi and Saldi collaborated to make coffee. While seeing their expertise, Eva advised that the success of people with disabilities is proof that people with disabilities can exist in the world of work and entrepreneurship. "Keep the spirit, continue to be successful and continue to innovate to provide inspiration," he concluded.