JAKARTA (FEBRUARY 23, 2023) – The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to foster concern for others through Wyata Guna Center Bandung with various activities including mass circumcision and blood donation.


Activities to commemorate the 13th Anniversary of the Reader Community since its formation in 2010 from volunteers who are willing to "donate" their voices through Audio Book recordings for people with visual sensory disabilities throughout Indonesia.


The activity consisted of reading a book and then recording it on a Compact Disc (CD) by the Reader Community at the Braille Library, which is part of Wyata Guna Bandung literacy center.


To celebrate the anniversary, the Reader Community collaborated with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), ZAP, and Dextone to hold a mass circumcision and blood donation which was attended by residents and employees of Wyata Guna Center and there were 35 circumcision participants and 55 donor-worthy participants.


"We welcome and thank all parties for their cooperation and Reader's friends regarding Braille Literacy and hope that the social service can be sustainable. In the future, God willing, it will be even better," said Iri Sapria, Head of Wyata Guna Bandung Center, Wednesday (23/2/2023).


Representative of the Reader Community, Erna Kania appreciates all the support from Wyata Guna Center so that activities can run smoothly and successfully.


"Jazakallah Khoir to all those who have helped make this event a success. Hopefully, Wyata Guna Center and Readers will work together in the future and continue to collaborate," she said.


In the same place, Social Worker and Chair of the Literacy Working Group Team, Irma Dwiandari, conducted hypno relaxation for children who were about to be circumcised to reduce tension, overcome fear, and build courage.


The event was enlivened by the distribution of meal vouchers for circumcision participants at SKA Wyata Guna and goodie bags containing milk, eggs, and biscuits for donor-worthy participants.


Azis, the parent of Azka Malik Fawwaz (2.5), a circumcision participant, as soon as he received news from Whatsapp messaging network, immediately registered for his son. "Wow, it's great to be able to join the circumcision event for my son. Thank you for holding the circumcision event because, for us who can't afford it, this activity is very beneficial," said Azis with emotion.