BEKASI (June 20, 2021) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini invited well-known Indonesian artist Raffi Ahmad and Chef Renatta at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Pangudi Luhur Training Center in Bekasi to foster enthusiasm and provide motivation for the beneficiaries of the Social Rehabilitation Center within the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The beneficiaries who attended SKA Pangudi Luhur came from Social Rehabilitation Centers such as Pangudi Luhur Training Center in Bekasi, Tan Miyat Center in Bekasi, Budhi Dharma Center in Bekasi, Ciung Wanara Center in Bogor, Melati Center in Jakarta and Mulya Jaya Training Center in Jakarta.

“I know how hard Raffi Ahmad works and it's not easy to suddenly become successful like that. Therefore, the beneficiaries should not give up, later Raffi Ahmad and Chef Renatta will tell their story in order to succeed," said Risma when giving a speech at the Cooking Workshop and Motivational Talks.

Risma said that the Center Beneficiaries have diverse backgrounds, such as scavengers, homeless people, and people with disabilities. However, Risma still believes that despite the shortcomings that God has given them, they definitely have advantages. That is what is being sought and explored so that they do not have to depend on other people.

"For God, nothing is impossible, everything is possible, it's up to us whether we want to put effort or not. If we want, God willing, we can change the course of our lives. It's not fate that the current conditions are like this. With hard work, sincerity, and prayer to God, be assured that nothing is impossible, everything is possible as long as we want to," said Risma, encouraging the beneficiaries.

Raffi Ahmad, who was deliberately present at SKA Pangudi Luhur, also encouraged the beneficiaries to want to try and change, and not to be lazy.

He said that since he was 13 years old, he had been the backbone of the family because his father had lost his job. Initially, he only paid IDR200,000, from Bandung to Jakarta, and he was completely alone at that time.

"With determination and effort, after approximately 23 years of work until now, I can finally enjoy the results. Indeed, the struggle is hard. As long as we give the best, we will definitely received the best," said Raffi Ahmad.

On that occasion, Chef Renatta also shared her struggles at the start of her career. She worked as an intern in a restaurant but was not paid while studying abroad. After her performance is deemed good, she will receive payment or income. Now she feels grateful to be able to work and have results as she can make an impact on other people.

The Minister of Social Affairs also invited Raffi Ahmad to have a dialogue with one of the beneficiaries of Mulya Jaya Training Center Jakarta.

“She used to be a silver human, her name was Tati. When she met me, her eyes were swollen due to a chemical infection. At that time she was sleeping under the shop window," explained Risma.

Tati said that if she didn't meet Mrs. Risma, maybe both of her eyes would go blind. Now, Tati is no longer a silver man and is working as a mini market guard.

“I followed Mrs. Risma and abided by her advice. Now I've been given a job, looking after a small minimarket at Mulya Jaya Center Jakarta," said Tati. She is grateful that she met the Minister of Social Affairs Risma, so that her situation is now better. Tati has also been reunited with her family who were separated before.

“Now that you have a job, the important thing is to keep trying, don't be discouraged. Keep praying, God willing, God will take care of you," said Raffi to encourage Tati.

According to Raffi, Social Affairs Minister Risma can be an example for all of us, providing opportunities for scavengers to work, earn income, and so on, to become today's Kartini.

"Since becoming Mayor of Surabaya, every day she has given food to orphans and poor elderly people. Also, creating several centers for children with disabilities and so on. Now he is entrusted with the role of Minister of Social Affairs, with a scope throughout Indonesia," explained Raffi.

Minister of Social Affairs Risma is happy that the beneficiaries keep trying and believes that every effort made will definitely be worth it by God. "God does not change a person's fate if they do not want to change themselves," said Risma.

“If we are serious, God will definitely give us good grades. That's what I'm trying to build with friends here who perhaps came from less fortunate conditions," said Risma. She emphasized not to waste anything that God has given. She conveyed to the beneficiaries that nothing is instant and it is not easy to achieve success.

“Raffi Ahmad, who is said to be the Sultan, I really believe is not easy. Chef Renatta also had the same experience. That being said, it's not easy, but it's definitely worth it. Now, Mas Raffi and Chef Renatta get value from the results of their work," said Risma.

Meanwhile, Raffi Ahmad also advised the beneficiaries that they should no longer be tired before their dreams are successful. According to him, being tired is being human. Take a short break, then work and return to the activities.

"One thing that must be imitated from Mrs. Risma is that with anyone we must help. When we can afford it, when we have it, we sincerely help, it will become our savings, and many people will pray for it," explained Raffi Ahmad.

“Keep your enthusiasm for the fellow beneficiaries here. No one knows the way of life of our people. Keep trying, and never give up whatever the circumstances. Sure, good fortune comes from God, but nothing is instant, it comes suddenly. We still have to work hard, pray, and look after our parents and family," concluded Raffi Ahmad.

The ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) is a center for entrepreneurial and vocational development as well as a media for promoting the work of beneficiaries in one area.

Through SKA, the entrepreneurial and vocational abilities of beneficiaries can increase, create new jobs for beneficiaries, increase socio-economic independence and the level of social welfare of beneficiaries from the poorest/marginalized/neglected groups, and become a place for shopping and recreation in one area.

SKA not only targets Social Rehabilitation Beneficiaries (Homeless, Beggars, Scavengers, Abandoned Children, Abandoned Disabled People, Abandoned Elderly, Victims of Human Trafficking and Victims of Layoffs), but also other program Beneficiaries such as Social Protection and Security Beneficiaries, Empowerment Beneficiaries Social, Poor Beneficiaries, Business World (BUMN and Private) and General Public.

The Cooking Workshop and Motivational Talks activities were also attended by the Special Advisor of the Minister of Social Affairs (SKM) for Communication and Mass Media, Don Rozano Sigit Prakoeswa, SKM for Social Welfare Service Requirements and Potential Sources of Social Welfare, Luhur Budijarso Lulu, SKM for Human Resource Development and Programs Ministry, Suhadi Lili, SKM for Empowerment and Handling of the Poor, Doddi Madya Judanto, SKM for Relations and Partnerships with Foreign Institutions Faozan Amar, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Directors and Heads of Centers within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.