JAKARTA (May 7, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center is helping to facilitate people with disabilities to vaccinate against COVID-19. People with disabilities come from the Bina Daksa Budi Bhakti Cengkareng Social Home, West Jakarta, Wisma for Children and Loving Parents ABBA Gunung Sindur Parung Bogor. Vaccination activities were carried out at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta. This activity is divided into two activities, namely on Wednesday and Friday.

On Wednesday, the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center assigned a team consisting of 4 people to accompany people with disabilities. To support this activity, the Center also deployed 1 bus and 1 disabled access car to transport people with disabilities to the location of the vaccination activity.

Officers immediately went to the Bina Daksa Budi Bhakti Cengkareng Social Home, West Jakarta to pick up 15 people with disabilities and 19 companions. Bina Daksa Social Services Staff Umi Hannie expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs for helping to facilitate vaccination activities for social assistance residents at her institution.

"We are very grateful to the Ministry of Social Affairs for the assistance from its fleet of official cars to facilitate our assisted residents because frankly we only have two official cars, namely an ambulance and a bus, whereas there are 152 of our assisted residents," said Umi.

Furthermore, on Friday, the team again helped facilitate vaccination activities for foster children with disabilities at Wisma Asuh Anak and Anak Kasih ABBA Gunung Sindur Parung Bogor. At this location, officers helped 10 people with disabilities and 10 accompanying people to get to the vaccination location.

Apart from helping with delivery, at the vaccination location officers also help accompany people with disabilities to carry out a series of processes starting from registering at the administration desk, undergoing screening to taking them to the vaccination stand.

One of Mu's people with intellectual disabilities admitted that he was very happy because he was helped in getting vaccinated. "Thank you, ma'am, for taking me, it's nice to be able to ride in a crowded car, help me so I can get an injection," said Mu to the officer.

In the same place, the blind person DK also expressed his joy at being able to carry out this vaccination activity. "I am very happy that I can finally be vaccinated, thank you mother for helping me and my friends," said DK.

Accompaniment from Wisma Foster Children and Parents Kasih ABBA Gunung Sindur Parung Bogor Sri Wahyuni also expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center for sending officers to help with vaccinations for their foster children. "We were greatly helped by the assistance of vehicles and assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs. "We are very grateful, especially as the nurses from the Ministry of Social Affairs are very friendly towards our foster children," said Sri.

This activity is a form of concern from the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center in helping people with disabilities to be able to access their needs and rights, one of which is the right to get a COVID-19 vaccination.