JAKARTA (March 26, 2021) - Early in the morning (25/03) at 04.20 WIB, a large fire has occurred which has spread to a densely populated residential area in Pisangan Baru, Matraman, East Jakarta. The settlement is a rented house inhabited by 4 heads of families with a total of 15 people.

Armed with this information, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Handayani" Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in Need of Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Jakarta with the "Soeharso" Center team in Solo, the "Budhi Dharma" Center team in Bekasi, and the Outreach Team (TRC) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. immediately respond to cases of fire disasters. The team immediately went to the scene of the fire disaster in order to carry out an assessment.

Upon arrival, the "Handayani" Children's Center case response team met with the head of the local Rukun Warga (RW), Agus. He conveyed that the condition of the victims was currently exhausted and in a state of shock. "It happened at dawn, so the residents who were in the rented house were not aware of the fire and seemed to be still sleeping soundly. Even so, the neighbors were screaming, so 5 people survived, 10 others died on the spot," Agus explained.

Agus further explained that the rented house consisted of 4 heads of families and 10 people from 2 families died. While the survivors consisted of 3 adults, namely 2 women and 1 boy, and 2 children consisting of 1 girl and 1 boy. But unfortunately, none of the property can be saved after the incident.

Previously, the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, had come and conveyed her condolences and provided compensation to the heirs. In addition, she offered survivors the opportunity to stay temporarily in a shelter belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta.

It did not stop there, the Ministry of Social's case response team also conducted an assessment of local residents affected by the fire disaster. There is one family who has two children with disabilities. This family is known to have 6 children where the third child (26 years old) and the sixth child (16 years old) suffer from a muscle disorder that causes both children's physical weakness. The medical diagnosis is called Progressive Muscular Dystrophy (DMP). The condition of the physical disorder begins with symptoms of high fever in the third child, while in the sixth child symptoms of vomiting. Both of them experienced these symptoms when they were 1 year old.

The two children did not go to school due to physical conditions that were difficult to move. However, the mother still taught her two children to read and write.

Today, the "Handayani" Children's Center team carried out Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) for direct victims and victims affected by the fire disaster.

After a psychological examination by a psychologist, it was found that the adult victims were indicated to have trauma, while the two child victims were not indicated to have trauma after the fire disaster.

In addition, the "Handayani" Children's Center team provides mindfulness therapy which aims to help victims accept their current conditions, provide reinforcement to victims and families of victims left behind, and carry out group dynamics for child victims.

Meanwhile, for the two children with physical disabilities who were victims of the fire disaster, the "Handayani" Children's Center team shared feelings, expressed hopes, and shared stories. In addition, "Soeharso" Center in Solo offered assistance for laboratory examinations to thoroughly examine the health conditions of the two children.

Furthermore, the "Handayani" Children's Center team will provide assistance for the child and the victim's family as well as provide relaxation therapy to help relieve anxiety and calm the victims' minds. In addition, coordination and advocacy will be carried out to the school for one of the children who is still in junior high school, considering that the child is still in an unstable emotional condition.