JAKARTA (June 22, 2021) - The vaccination program is an effort to break the chain of spread of Corona Virus Infection (COVID-19) and reduce the number of cases which is still increasing. For this reason, Panasea Center as one of the Technical Service Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the Cipayung District Health Center, East Jakarta, provided the first stage of COVID-19 vaccination to seven residential Beneficiaries (PM).
Vaccination was carried out at the Minhajurrosidin Islamic Boarding School, Lubang Buaya Village, Cipayung, East Jakarta starting at 09.00-10.30 WIB together with the community in the Cipayung sub-district area while maintaining health protocols.
The Panasea Center Nursing Team who provided assistance prepared the entire series of vaccination processes starting with the PM Population Identification Number (NIK) data registration stage one day before.
Furthermore, before getting vaccinated, a disease history screening and blood pressure check are also carried out. After receiving a vaccination, the PM also received a free HIV/AIDS test with all negative results. The PM stated that he did not feel any complaints after being vaccinated and was ready to receive the second phase of vaccination on September 14.
First Phase Vaccination for the Beneficiaries of Jakarta "Panasea" Center
Humas Balai Panasea Jakarta
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N