PEKANBARU (November 21, 2020) - The spread of COVID-19 has changed our lives from various aspects, including service recipients. Pekanbaru "Rumbai" Children's Center makes efforts to create various innovations with service recipients so that they can answer service needs and challenges in the future.
Art Therapy is part of the Implementation of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) for recipients of residential-based services with vocational training and entrepreneurship coaching for Service Recipients who are undergoing social rehabilitation at "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru.
Art Therapy as a medium to maintain mental health for service recipients in creative ways, including making works of art. "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru developed Art Therapy for Service Recipients by creating decorative night lamps from used paralon pipes, various miniature crafts from scrap iron and making Tanjak (a typical Riau Malay headband).
Head of "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru, Ahmad Subarkah said "This Art Therapy activity aims to provide vocational knowledge, foster an entrepreneurial spirit and use positive free time for Service Recipients," he said.
The manufacture of night lamps from used Paralon pipes, the manufacture of Tanjak and the manufacture of miniatures from iron to produce miniature pianos, oil pumps, guitars, shabby flower pots and other miniature products were carried out with assistance from social workers, instructors, and other coaches and involved internship students from the Riau Islamic University, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta and students of UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim.
Yustisia as a social worker said that art activities in Art Therapy are not only activities to fill spare time, but also have a psychological impact on those who do it.
In addition, Art Therapy activities for Service Recipients are not only intended as a place for self-expression, but the interest of Service Recipients in carrying out these activities is driven by subconscious impulses that make these impulses channeled properly and make Service Recipients feel more comfortable, thus having an impact positive for thoughts, emotions and behavior," said Yustisia
Service recipients look very enthusiastic when participating in each session of Art Therapy activities and it is hoped that in addition to being useful for service recipients in exploring and understanding themselves, the results of this Art Therapy produce products and have selling values so that they increase confidence for service recipients with their artistic products being appreciated.
Humas "Rumbai" Pekanbaru
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N