JAKARTA (May 7, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs is holding a Ramadhan Bazaar entitled "Cheap Shopping with the Social Affairs Minister" which is held for two days in the parking lot of the Ministry of Social Affairs. "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center also enlivened this Bazaar by sending superior products from the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) from Beneficiaries (PM) Victims of Drug Abuse.
The products offered by the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center in this bazaar include products from distribution, culinary and fishery centers. Products from distribution centers consist of t-shirts, masks, shirts, hijabs, glasses and tote bags. Products from the culinary center consist of salted eggs, ketapang cakes, and fried onions. Meanwhile, the fisheries center consists of betta ornamental fish complete with a choice of containers.
Since day one, these products have captured the attention of visitors. Their enthusiasm was evident from the crowds of visitors who were interested in visiting the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center booth, including the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat.
The Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat gave his response and input on the design of the T-shirts that were displayed. If possible, make the t-shirt design even bolder” said Harry who was also interested in buying a number of products, namely t-shirts, masks, ketapang cakes, and salted eggs. This input will certainly be a motivation for the SKA team at the Galih Pakuan Residential Center, especially at distribution centers, to be more daring to explore designs more optimally.
On the second day, the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, visited the Galih Pakuan Residential Center booth. Apart from seeing the products displayed, Risma also provided motivation for the two Beneficiaries of Drug Abuse Victims who were present at the booth, namely Ba and Pu. Risma had time to communicate with Ba and Pu to provide reinforcement and motivation for them to always be optimistic in life.
“Previously you had a problem and then ran to the wrong association, that should not be repeated. You have to believe you can, prove to your family that you can, and prove it so that other people don't insult you. They may insult you first, but you will stand up straight and prove that you are successful, it's up to you whether you want it or not. Nothing is impossible, other people can do it, and you can do it too,” said Risma to Ba and Pu.
Risma further encouraged Ba and Pu to mingle with people with disabilities who have musical achievements and abilities. This was done so that Ba and Pu would get inspiration to further develop their abilities to become better individuals and to prove that they were able to rise above problems and become successful people.
Besides visited by employees within the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Bogor "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center booth was also busy with visitors from the general public who had previously obtained vouchers from the Ministry of Social Affairs to purchase the products offered at the Bazaar. One of the visitors who works as a sweeper also buys shirt products. In addition, PMs from other Centers are also interested in buying t-shirts, ketapang cakes, salted eggs and betta fish.
Betta fish is enough to attract the attention of visitors, this is because only the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center offers this product. Betta fish products are also the best sellers on the second day of the Bazaar. In this Bazaar, the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center booths managed to sell 213 salted eggs, 27 pcs of t-shirts, 12 pcs of masks, 8 pcs of glasses, 6 pcs of shirts, 15 pcs of hijabs, 4 pcs of tote bags, 34 of betta fish, 3 fruit containers for betta fish, 23 jars of ketapang cakes, and 6 jars of fried onions.
Besides enlivening the Bazaar, this opportunity is also a medium to introduce SKA products that are being developed by the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center Bogor.