JAKARTA (January 14, 2021) - This morning, the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Risma Harini, visited the "Handayani" Children's Center in Jakarta. Accompanied by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriatna, the Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi and all other ranks attended together to greet the children. Risma's arrival was greeted with laughter and happiness from the children of the "Handayani" Children's Center. Risma's visit this time aims to see the development of children while providing encouragement and advice to prepare for a better future.

Risma and her staff visited the Children's Social Protection Home (RPSA) and met with Undocumented Children (ATT) who were deported from Abu Dhabi, "NF" and their children, as well as children who were in other emergency situations. Risma advised the children to continue to improve and develop their potential. Before continuing the visit, "NF" gave a souvenir in the form of his painting to Risma.

Next, Risma met with all Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH) in the Dining Room. Risma gave a lot of advice to children who were victims of radicalism, children in the parody of the Indonesia Raya song, and other children.

"God is the Most Just, whoever we are is given the same opportunity to improve ourselves, keep the spirit," said Risma.

Closing her visit, Risma also wrote a very touching message for all the children at the "Handayani" Jakarta Children's Center that Allah is the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful, so we as human beings are obliged to give love to our fellow human beings.