BOGOR (April 29, 2021) - "Ciungwanara" Center for Disabilities Bogor continues to make various autistic-friendly food creations. After previously successfully making gluten and casein-free Vietnamese cakes and spring rolls, now Beneficiaries (PM) and instructors are making Gluten Free Cookies (pastries) just in time for this year's Idul Fitri holiday.
Head of the "Ciungwanara" Center for Disabilities Siti Sari Rumayanti said that cookies made with selected ingredients are friendly for people with autism and for individuals who are on a keto diet or a diabetes diet.
This activity of making cookies is a form of vocational therapy given to beneficiaries so that they have skills after undergoing ATENSI services.
"The ATENSI program aims to foster the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of PM so that they can be financially independent. During this holy month of Ramadan, we also see opportunities for gluten and casein-free cookies for individuals with autism or who are on a keto diet," said Sari. The whole process of making these cookies is also strictly hygienic, Sari explained.
"In the process of making these cookies, all the ingredients are selected and the equipment is also special. The PM and the instructor always use masks and gloves during the manufacturing process so that they are kept clean," added Sari.
In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini, the Centers within the Ministry of Social Affairs always find innovations that can stimulate children to be independent so that they are not out of date.
Met during the making of cookies, the PM of the "Ciungwanara" Disability Center, Putri, and Nurslamia were printing bunny-shaped cakes to be baked. "I'm very happy that I can make cakes, the shapes are cute and they look delicious," said Putri excitedly.
Gluten Free Cookies, Autism Friendly Food and Healthy Treats During Eid
Humas Balai Disabilitas Ciungwanara Bogor
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N