JAKARTA (September 26, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Edi Suharto, representing the Minister of Social Affairs, delivered a policy of social rehabilitation for the elderly at the Ministry of Social Affairs. This policy is managed by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, known as the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRES-LU).

"PROGRES-LU is a derivative of PROGRES 5.0 NP policy by providing services through five clusters that are holistic, systematic and standardized," Edi said.

PROGRES-LU is a form of government policy in fulfilling the rights of the elderly for services mandated in Law No. 13 of 1998.

In the launch of "URINDO as an Elderly Friendly University" at the 2019 Graduation, Bachelor, and Masters Graduation Ceremony of the University of Respati Indonesia, Edi Suharto delivered his scientific oration.

"In fact, both of your parents made you a king when you were little. So, make them both "Kings" when they are old," said Edi.

Not only that, Edi also said that around 65% of the world's elderly population will reside in Asia.

"Thus Asia will become the region with the fastest aging population in the world," said Edi.

On the same occasion, Edi expressed his high appreciation to all academicians of URINDO, especially to Prof. Dr. Tri Budi W. Rahardjo.

URINDO has set its vision to be a superior university in developing an entrepreneurial and internationally recognized academic community in 2025. URINDO has also established special advantages that are characteristic, the excellence being built is as an elderly-friendly university.

"I see the initiative “Towards an Elderly Friendly University" is a reflection of URINDO's goodwill and enthusiasm for academics to "king the elderly," glorifying the elderly by building a campus environment that is easily accessible to the elderly and people who have similar conditions," said Edi.