In her remarks, the Minister of Social Affairs stated that people with disabilities should not give up easily, and can achieve more by encouraging their strengths.
"Panjenengan (all of you) should not give up, nothing is impossible. Believe me, everyone must have shortcomings. But, everyone has advantages. So, how do we encourage our strengths to excel," she said at Krosok Village Hall, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, on Saturday (14/1).
Also present accompanying the Minister of Social Affairs, Regent of Tulungagung Maryoto Birowo, Deputy Regent of Tulungagung Gatut Sunu Wibowo, Chairman of the Tulungagung Regency DPRD Marsono, Regional Secretary of Tulungagung Regency Sukaji, Director of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Nursyamsu, and Head of the Integrated Center "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" in Surakarta Rachmat Koesnadi.
On the same occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs together with legislators handed over assistance while chatting, and asked about the assistance they received. One of the beneficiaries who was greeted was Afin.
Afin, who is currently in grade 1 of SLB, is a Cerebral Palsy sufferer with lower limb limitations and received assistance in the form of a multipurpose wheelchair, a wheelchair that can be used for standing and walking which is electrically regulated, controlled by a joystick.
The Minister of Social Affairs advised Afin to be careful in using his wheelchair. "Don't speed up later," she told Afin.
Afin expressed his joy and thanked the Minister of Social Affairs for the assistance he received. "Thank you Mrs. Risma, Afin wants to use it for traveling," he said.
Sri Rahayu expressed her gratitude for the Minister of Social Affairs' response to requests for assistance from Tulungagung Regency, especially from Sedang District.
"Thank you Mrs. Risma for coming to see directly and provide assistance, both in the form of tools and skills to improve the economy concerned," she said when giving a speech.
Meanwhile, the total ATENSI assistance for persons with disabilities that has been provided in Tulungaggung Regency is IDR 876,845,900 in the form of Adaptive Guiding Stick Aids, Artificial Hand and Foot Aids, Therapy Tools, Wheelchairs, Educational Advice Equipment, Food Packages, and Entrepreneurship Assistance.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs