JAKARTA (9 November 2021) - Child protection is an important element that is always prioritized in Indonesia. The Ministry of Social Affairs as one of the State Institutions that is always concerned with child protection also synergizes with various related Ministries/Institutions for the best interests of children.


Likewise, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Directorate for the Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Indonesian Legal Aid (WNI and BHI) also plays an important role in the process of rescuing and protecting Indonesian children abroad.


Coming with around 60 people from the batch of 42 Diplomat Functional Candidates, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made an observation visit at the Handayani Children's Center. The many problems of Indonesian children abroad require all prospective diplomats to understand the flow and legal foundations of child protection.


Present directly to socialize the handling of children at the Handayani Children's Center, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi accompanied by the Head of the Handayani Children's Center Hasrifah Musa as well as campaigning for the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs.


"We are happy, the younger brothers and sisters of prospective diplomats have high enthusiasm to ask questions and learn about the child protection process. Hopefully, as future leaders, you can participate together with the Ministry of Social Affairs and other State Institutions to protect children. Indonesian children both at home and abroad," Kanya said


This activity was also attended by the Director of the School of Foreign Service (SEKDILU), Lintang Paramitasari, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Other Regions Apart from the Middle East and Astara, Tony Wibawa, along with other Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff.