TERNATE (February 21, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs together with Commission VIII of the House of Representatives symbolically handed over aid to beneficiaries in North Maluku. Commission VIII of the DPR RI during a Recess Working Visit to the Social Rehabilitation Center “Wasana Bahagia” Ternate admitted that it wanted to directly monitor the delivery of aid and ensure that the aid was right on target.


The Acting Head of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, revealed that now the social rehabilitation centers of the Ministry of Social Affairs, one of which was the Wasana Bahagia Ternate, had a scope not only to handle one type of social problem but all types of Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS).


On this occasion the Ministry of Social Affairs together with Commission VIII DPR RI handed over ATENSI, PKH, and BPNT programs. "We should be proud because, with the approval of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, the budget for this assistance can be channeled. This means that the DPR is fighting for the basic needs and other needs of the people of North Maluku," explained Harry.


This appreciation was welcomed by the Chairman of the delegation who is also a member of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives, Samsu Niang. "When we come here, we will see firsthand that the budget is being given right on target. Currently, we see the Ministry of Social Affairs handing over ATENSI, PKH, and BPNT programs as expected, which is right on target," said Samsu Niang.


Samsu Niang also stated that his party saw very well that the recipients of the aid were indeed people who needed assistance.


During this recess working visit, the Commission VIII DPR RI team who were present were Samsu Niang, Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie, Wastam, and Muhammad Rijal accompanied by the Acting Head of Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, symbolically handed over the assistance of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) from the Ministry of Social Affairs in the amount of Rp. 648,313,000.


This assistance consists of ATENSI Orphans, accessibility assistance, basic needs assistance, entrepreneurship assistance, and medical equipment assistance.


The beneficiaries of this ATENSI program came from several regions, namely from Central Maluku, West Seram, Southeast Maluku Regency, Ternate City, West Southeast Maluku Regency, Tual City, Sula Islands Regency, Maluku, and North Maluku.


This ATENSI program is managed by several social rehabilitation centers and workshops belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely Wasana Bahagia Ternate, Nipotowe Palu, Tumou Tou Manado, Wirajaya Makassar, Minaula Kendari, and Meohai Kendari.

On this occasion, it was also symbolically handed over to the Family Hope Program (PKH) assistance worth Rp. 17,951,050,000 and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) worth Rp. 11,035,200,000.

One of the beneficiaries, Agus (53 years old) said that he was very happy to receive ATENSI program. He hopes that this assistance will help him increase his income because he can work on sewing orders faster.

"Because I am in a sewing business, I proposed to be assisted in the form of a sewing machine. I have been in the sewing business since 1998. I will use this assistance as best I can, hopefully, my business will increase its income with this sewing machine", said Agus, one of the ATENSI beneficiaries.

He also expressed his hope that friends with disabilities out there can also get help like him. "Hopefully this assistance will continue, because apart from many friends who have businesses too, such as laundry, workshops, selling necessities and others," he concluded.

After symbolically handing over the aid, the Commission VIII House of Representatives Recess Working Visit Team reviewed the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Basodara Wasana Bahagia Ternate and enjoyed coffee made by the beneficiary.

The recess work visit of the DPR RI Commission VIII was also attended by the Governor of North Maluku, the Regional Secretary of North Maluku Province, the Mayor of Ternate and the Head of Regional Apparatus Organizations of the North Maluku Province, and the Head of UPT within the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.